Modern Warfare 2 – Major Multiplayer Details Leak

A reputable Call of Duty leaker recently spilled a slew of details regarding CoD 2022’s multiplayer mode, giving us our first taste of what Modern Warfare 2 will actually look like.

Despite the relative newness of Call of Duty: Vanguard, many fans of the franchise are already turning their attention to the next installment which has now been confirmed to be a sequel to Modern Warfare 2019 developed by Infinity Ward.

Although at the moment details about this new title are quite scarce, all reports surrounding it are largely positive, with many even claiming that it is one of the most accomplished CoD games ever released.

But recently, important details regarding the multiplayer mode have been revealed thanks to TheMW2Ghosta reputable source when it comes to Call of Duty.


The next CoD will be a direct sequel to 2019’s Modern Warfare.

He first started dropping a lot of information about the multiplayer maps, saying they will be very similar to the DLCs that came with Modern Warfare 2019 with maps like Khandor Hideout, Petrov Oil Rig, and Hovec. Sawmill.

He also claimed that many cards will follow a “brighter aesthetic” and “map design is conducted with the concept of retaining the traditional Call of Duty experience while remaining true to the Infinity Ward touch“.

Finally, some cards should have doors (a controversial mechanic in the latest CoDs), but for the moment, their presence is not 100% guaranteed.

TheMW2Ghost also gave some hints as to how the game itself will feel, suggesting that the move is slightly faster than MW 2019, but not as fast as Vanguard. The combat rhythm will also be back.

Finally, he states that the game will feature killstreaks like the drone and the attack helicopter as well as a classic minimap.

Following this first information, the players showed their enthusiasm and their hopes for this next opus: “The game looks remarkably well given that it’s only February… I’m sincerely positive for MW II this year.

While every new Call of Duty always gets a huge amount of hype ahead of launch, Modern Warfare 2 seems to have something noticeably different.

Are we heading for a positive revival for the Call of Duty franchise? We hope.

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