“Mom I’m on fire”: the last moments of horror of Adèle, who died in the fire on rue Erlanger

As the trial for the fire in the rue d’Erlanger opened, the last words of Adèle, who died in this tragedy, were broadcast.

On February 5, 2019, the lives of many people will change into horror during the fire in rue Erlanger, in Paris. This Tuesday, February 14, at the Paris Assize Court, a firefighter testified before the court, which also heard the last 49 minutes of Adèle Gorgachev’s life, this young woman who died on her balcony by the fire. On the phone with her mother, she will then tell her that the flames are going up in her building. “There are all the windows that blow up in my house”, details the young woman who is on the 8th floor.

The firefighters will advise him to stay on his balcony. “Stay on the balcony, stay on the balcony and protect yourself with the sheet, intimates the rescuer. Madam, protect yourself with the sheet. Protect your face with the blanket.” In vain, the young woman knows: she is going to die: “There I’m going to die, I’m going to die, there’s fire, I’m stuck”assures Adele Gorgachev.

The last words of the young woman

Still on the phone with her mother, the young woman wishes to say her last goodbyes : “I’m sorry for you mom, it’s over for me, it doesn’t matter mom, I was very happy. It doesn’t matter mom, I lived what I wanted to live…” Aware that her last day has arrived, the young woman no longer knows what to do. “Mom they have to come get me now I’m going to die, mom I’m on fire, I’m on fire.” His neighbors also remember this horrifying sight. “She must have lost consciousness from the smoke, she then woke up and the flames came on her,” Laurent testified again. Traumatized and in mourning over the loss of her daughter, her mother still wants to share her testimony. “My daughter had an aura for the firefighters, confides her mother on Wednesday. She told me ‘they give their lives for others, they die in the most atrocious conditions’. I am convinced that it absolutely played a role decisive, she trusted 100%.”

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