Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak, 5 million sales for the DLC

like like Monster Hunter: World and its expansion Iceborne, Monster Hunter Rise also meets with success. The title was launched on Switch in 2021 and last year on PC it has more than 11 million copies sold, and its extension Sunbreak released last June counted 4 million copies sold two months later.

Today, Capcom takes the floor and announces that Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak has surpassed five million copies sold on PC and Nintendo Switch. To celebrate this new level, the developers will offer a pack of objects in-game soon, and we are entitled to a nice artworkto admire above.

As a reminder, Monster Hunter Rise is coming this week to PlayStation 4, PS5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X|Sas well as in the Game Pass. Sales of the base game should still soar, but we will have to wait until spring to discover the extension Sunbreak on these new platforms. You can find monster hunter rise at €33.99 on Gamesplanet.

thumbnail editorClint008
Writer – Tester

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