Monthly horoscope: 3 zodiac signs that take off on all levels in March

monthly horoscope
3 zodiac signs that will take off on all levels in March

© DariaS / Adobe Stock

With spring comes our energy. Above all, these three zodiac signs are bursting with power, sex appeal and are surfing a meter-high wave of success in March.


Highly motivated and ready to attack, Aquarius starts the first month of spring and lets it rip on all levels. At work, the air sign ensures good vibes in the team and tackles tasks that have been waiting on the to-do list for a long time with enthusiasm. Where organization is required, Aquarius is not far away and shines with structure and speed. This is also reflected in the financial side and shopping lovers will have good opportunities to treat themselves from March 19th.

Motivation isn’t just at work at work. Aquarius’ sporting ambition awakens with the first spring fever and provides a lot of endorphins. Wellness and enjoyment are the right balance. You can refuel and regenerate, even if Aquarius has enough energy for ten.

So it’s no wonder that things get hot in love too. Mars and Jupiter send fiery impulses and give the zodiac sign a super sexy charisma. Erotic adventures are certainly not long in coming. It doesn’t matter whether you’re single or in a relationship: Aquarius is simply irresistible in March.


The Gemini starts March full of energy and wants to finally get going again at work. What particularly motivates Gemini? A challenge that keeps the erratic earth sign happy and showing what they’re made of. If that is the case, nothing can stop him and he carries everyone else along with his contagious enthusiasm.

But this passion is not only evident at work. Love life also gets a big boost and lets the butterflies fly again. Mars and Jupiter offer pure love power and bring erotic and emotional highlights for couples and singles. Especially the latter let the sparks fly when flirting and prove a sure hand in the selection of dates. Falling in love is not excluded.

Power without end: In March, Gemini simply cannot be stopped. In sports, at work, in love. From time to time you still need a short break to recharge your batteries and then you can continue.


The self-confident Leo lets his charm shine again in March and manages to get important people enthusiastic about his plans. March 20th is therefore also the best time to put the lid on new projects. Financially, things are going well, so it is even worth investing here.

Self-confidence makes sexy and who, if not the lion, is bursting with conviction in March. No wonder that singles are eagerly adored, while couples are carried away by the positive lightness. Feelings intensify, keep the relationship alive and common goals can be set anew and implemented with dedication.

The lion feels comfortable in his own skin. Mars and Jupiter bring fresh momentum and ensure new top performances in fitness training, while Venus gives Leo a particularly attractive glow. Walks with him.


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