Montpellier: an employee of the town hall indicted for having falsified supporting documents for passports

In particular, she produced false birth certificates necessary for the constitution of a file to obtain a passport.

An official of the town hall of Montpellier has been indicted, accused of having provided false supporting documents used for passport applications, said the town hall to the Figaro, confirming information from Midi-Free . The respondent has since been remanded in custody.

An investigation had been underway since last May, after a civil registrar consulted a passport application file, with a birth certificate “doubtful», Reports our colleagues from Midi-Free. After verification, the document was indeed a forgery. “It was the City itself which raised this potential fraud and immediately seized the prefectural authorities to conduct the investigation.», We are told. Checks were then carried out on other requests handled by the same employee and other forgeries appeared, prompting the authorities to do a lot of investigative work in the archives of the service.

Financial transactions?

A judicial investigation has since been opened and the examining magistrate has already heard no less than 15 officials of the town hall. The investigation will have to answer many questions, in order to know how many passports were obtained using false documents, for how long the mis en cause operated, and if these forgeries took place in exchange for money. . The town hall will also have to ensure that other important documents such as identity cards and permits have not also been obtained using false documents.

Always according to Midi-Free, the agent has not been seen in the city hall for several months, the latter being teleworked because of the health situation.

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