More beautiful life: how does the series end?

This Friday, November 18, France 3 broadcast the last bonus of “Plus belle la vie”. For 18 years, the soap opera has punctuated the daily lives of French viewers. If you haven’t followed everything, we tell you the end of the series.

Attention, the following paragraphs contain spoilers on the final bonus of Plus belle la vie broadcast last night on France 3!

That’s it, More beautiful life, it’s over… Launched on August 30, 2004, the daily soap opera of France 3 bowed out this Friday, November 18 after more than 18 years on the air, 4,665 episodes and 29 bonuses, at the occasion of an exceptional evening marked by the broadcast of a last opus of 1h40 entitled “Seven weddings for a funeral”.

It is on a Barbara in a wedding dress chased by dogs that this final bonus opens. As she tries to escape them, she jumps into the water. “How did I get here?” she asks in voice-over. This is where the credits start.

As Betty arrives at the Mistral bar, Kilian welcomes her and asks her to marry him. If at the beginning, the young woman does not take it seriously, she ends up accepting. They then announce the big news on Instagram and very quickly, their love goes viral. They want to celebrate their union on the anniversary of Roland’s world tour.

Touched by the words of the two teenagers, Bastien decides to ask for Luna’s hand. This is the start of the wave of marriage. It is then François’s turn to propose to Blanche, for the second time. Estelle and Francesco, engaged for 3 years, decide to finally say “yes” to each other in front of the mayor while Kevin, madly in love with Vanessa, asks for the young woman’s hand.

For her part, Luna learns that Mirta is going to settle with Yolande, right on her wedding day. She admits to him that she has not changed sides, but that she wants to help her friend. Yolande has no income and does not receive a pension. She no longer wants to be a burden for her daughter. Luna then explains to her that for this kind of business it is better that they get married at the town hall.

Following a small problem in her pregnancy, Barbara undergoes additional examinations. At the same time, she decides to do a paternity test to be sure that Tim is indeed the father of her future baby. But the result is final, it is actually Abdel the father of her little boy. News that will change everything for Barbara.

The young woman understands that she still has feelings for him. Unfortunately, when she decides to go see him, she overhears Elisa proposing to Abdel, who accepts without hesitation.

But Barbara has a plan: in order to derail their future union, she offers Elisa to take care of her marriage. She thus decides to sabotage Abdel’s bachelor party by convincing Jean-Paul, the organizer, to do everything that the young lawyer hates.

The latter will live a real ordeal and will decide to slip away from the evening. He stumbles upon Barbara “by chance”, who offers him a ride to change his mind. Abdel confides to the young woman his doubts about his future bride: Elisa is obsessed with her work and abandons their life as a couple. But as she prepares to reveal her feelings to him, she vomits, breaking this magical moment.

For fear of losing Abdel for good, Barbara decides to try everything and make a declaration of love to the young man. While she confesses to him that he is her soul mate, Abdel replies that he is hungry and offers to go eat. Barbara leaves in tears, heartbroken.


That’s when Elisa calls her to ask her to pick up her wedding dress from her godmother. Alone in the room with the dress, she decides to put it on, but Elisa arrives. Barbara flees through the garden, pursued by the dogs. The lawyer, who has now unmasked Barbara, forbids the young woman to approach Abdel, and to come to the wedding.

Guillaume Leserman is making his comeback at the Mistral. Unfortunately, the doctor has amnesia. He is stuck in 2006 and thinks Luna is still his wife. According to Riva, the best medicine to cure Guillaume’s amnesia is Luna.

The latter, who refuses to abandon him, will therefore have to pretend that she is still his wife. She therefore lodges Guillaume at the hotel so as not to disturb his memories. Out of love, Bastien accepts this dangerous compromise. Unfortunately, everything does not go as planned, since Guillaume tries little by little to get closer to Luna.

If she tries to resist his advances, she can’t help but fall under his spell again. Luna then confides to Bastien that she is emotionally troubled but that she will not sleep with Guillaume without his consent.

Bastien takes this confidence very badly and asks Luna to make a choice: it will be him or Guillaume. Unfortunately for Bastien, Luna decides to sleep with Guillaume. She then finds Bastien and confesses to him that she loves them both. But for the latter, it is not possible to love two people at the same time.

While they are trying on costumes for the wedding, Francesco is arrested by the police. He is suspected of poisoning food truck customers. The cook accuses his clerk, a former prisoner, of being the source of this poisoning. While doing research, Abdel discovers that the man is Djawad’s ex-convict.

Estelle therefore decides to contact him to find out what he knows about this story. Djawad says he had nothing to do with it and moved on. However, he offers Estelle to make an appointment with his former fellow prisoner to question him. The young man doing striptease to make ends meet, they can call on him for Estelle’s bachelor party.

However, he admits to the young woman that he has spoken a lot about her to his friend. The latter probably wanted to do him a favor by having Francesco arrested. At the party, Djawad confronts Gomez. He admits everything but he remains convinced that Djawad will do nothing against him. The young man lets him slip away.

As the wedding date approaches, Francesco is still being held back by the police. If Estelle does not want to get used to the idea of ​​canceling the wedding, Jean-Paul tries to make her understand that the ceremony unfortunately cannot take place. While she is trying on a wedding dress, Djawad joins her. But Estelle repeats to him once again that she is madly in love with Francesco. He understands at that moment that he no longer has a chance with her.


Djawad then goes to Jean-Paul’s. He decided to denounce himself to free Francesco. While Estelle is at the Marci, ready to drown her sorrows in alcohol, her future husband comes to pick her up in extremis in order to go before the mayor.

For his part, Djawad, left alone in front of the police station, manages to free himself from his handcuffs and flee once again.

It’s the big day, all the couples are getting ready to celebrate their nuptials. While Kevin is getting dressed at his mother’s, Laetitia tells him that Guillaume has finally regained his memory. Since then, Luna does not know if she is marrying Bastien or Guillaume.

The first to unite in front of all the inhabitants of the Mistral are Blanche and François. Betty and Kilian are the second to pass. That’s when Kevin decides to confess to Laetitia that Vanessa is transgender. The teacher doesn’t see where the problem is and tells her son to get married without delay. They are the third to unite.

It is then the turn of Mirta and Yolande. Estelle and Francesco arrive running, and can finally say “Yes” in front of the mayor. Luna is next. She then makes a special request: she wants to marry Bastien and Guillaume, who both agree. The mayor tells him that the law prohibits polygamy, but he agrees to unite them symbolically.


Abdel is the last to pass. But as he prepares to get up, Thomas asks the young man how he could remain insensitive to Barbara’s declaration of love. Abdel explains to her that when she came to see him a few days earlier he hadn’t heard anything because he had become deaf due to the group’s rehearsals. He hadn’t understood the reaction of the young woman.

Thomas, who had recorded Barbara’s declaration of love on his phone, then shows her the video. But Abdel decides to join Elisa in front of the hotel all the same. A drama for Barbara who, having seen the whole scene on her phone, breaks down in tears.

All the inhabitants of the district are gathered at the Mistral to celebrate. Barbara meets Elisa and congratulates her on her union. It was then that the young woman slapped her and insulted her. Flabbergasted, she does not understand what has taken hold of her. Thomas explains to her that she shouldn’t have turned off her phone: Abdel didn’t marry Elisa.

The young lawyer then explains to Barbara that he understood that he could never marry someone else because she is the woman of his life. And besides, the first name of Yael, which she chose for her baby, is a suggestion from Abdel. Barbara confesses to him that the baby she is carrying is indeed hers. They decide to get married immediately, on the Place du Mistral.


Before the party starts, Kilian makes a speech to thank all the inhabitants of the neighborhood for having made the Mistral an exceptional and wonderful place where everyone wants to come together to be happy. The final bonus of Plus belle la vie ends with a flashmob organized by Sylvia with all the characters who have marked Plus belle la vie.

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