More beautiful life in advance: summary of the episode of Tuesday March 29, 2022 [SPOILERS]

In the next episode of “Plus belle la vie”… While Delphine struggles to confess the truth to Franck, Riva is temporarily suspended from his duties at the hospital. As for Sunalee, will she find her new look?


Warning, the following paragraphs contain spoilers on the episode of More beautiful life broadcast tomorrow night on France 3!

Delphine tells Franck the truth

While he sleeps, Theo’s dream turns into a nightmare: he sees Coralie dead before his eyes. The young man wakes up with a start…

For her part, Delphine makes a statement at the police station, accompanied by Franck. She tells Kevin that she was the victim of a carjacking while Theo was driving his car. The police officer therefore asks to see him, but Delphine replies that he is still in a state of shock. Kevin is understanding. As they leave, Delphine and Franck meet Éric. The latter remembers that they were shot at in the car several days ago and underlines this coincidence.

Blanche, meanwhile, is increasingly worried that she hasn’t heard from Coralie. Rochat and Nathan think she stayed in Greece, but Blanche wonders if she had an accident on the way to the airport.

Despite all her efforts, Delphine sees that her son is sinking. She tries to protect him by all means, even if it means arguing with Franck by kicking Blanche out when the latter asks to speak to Théo.

However, in the evening, Delphine confesses the whole truth to Franck and begs him to keep the secret…

Sunalee finds her style

Sunalee asks her father’s opinion on her new clothes and makeup. The latter considers that he is not the best placed. He considers his daughter to be naturally beautiful. Sunalee then reproaches him for having distanced him from the codes of integration into society.

However, Sunalee agrees to confide in Luna about her problem. She takes him to Estelle, who takes care of her makeover. Sunalee is thrilled. Back in high school, she hopes to gain Betty’s approval. But the teenager violently rebuffs her.

For his part, Pablo continues to be the victim of mockery at the initiative of a stalker who stuck photos of him in the hallways with the nickname the task.

Gabriel is suspended

For several days, Gabriel has been trying to remember the operation he performed, unable to admit that he was wrong, he who has never made a mistake in his 20-year career.

For her part, Jeanne announces to Rose and Léa that the patient’s family is filing a complaint against the hospital. Experts will retrace the stages of the operation and establish the responsibilities of each. Rose testifies that Gabriel was focused, but also very tired. Léa recalls that she was against this operation in addition to her colleague’s schedule and holds Jeanne responsible.

Arrived at the hospital, Gabriel tries to retrieve his patient’s file. But Jeanne has already passed it on to the board of directors. When he asks for Rose’s help, she clears herself of all responsibility and prefers not to talk to him.

Gabriel then confronts his superior, complaining in particular that he can no longer connect to the server. Jeanne informs him that she has deleted him because the board of directors has decided to suspend him.

Gabriel confides his distress to his husband: he feels alone and abandoned by everyone. He ends up admitting that he screwed up because his ego drove him to overwork himself.

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