More beautiful life (spoilers): Alexandra and Kévin explain themselves and Luna wakes up at Pavel’s

On Tuesday October 11 in Plus belle la vie (8:20 p.m., France 3), the manhunt continues to find Pavel. For her part, Alexandra must face the difficult reaction of Kevin.

In the October 11 episode of Plus belle la vie, prosecutor Revel (Grégory Questel) announces during a press conference that he intends to make the arrest of Pavel (Laurent Hennequin) an absolute priority. Hiding in a luxurious villa, Pavel is delighted to hear this news because he plans to trap Revel and blackmail him into making him his mole. As he talks with Lorraine, Pavel asks about Luna, worried that Lorraine (Laurence Cormerais) gave him too many sleeping pills. The latter is visibly annoyed that he is so concerned about Luna (Anne Decis), and points out that she is preventing him from moving forward and that he should get rid of her. Pavel replies that he will when he decides. Despite all the sleeping pills, Luna ends up waking up to Pavel, who she asks what he wants from her.

Meanwhile, Nathan (Thibaud Vaneck) talks to Sabrina (Éléonore Sarrazin) about a romantic getaway and sees she’s worried. The latter is on her phone, trying to read an article about Stan (Cyril Durel), about which she feels guilty, although Nathan points out that she had nothing to do with him being caught by the police. Later, he goes to the visiting room to speak with Stan, and admits to him that it was he who called the police. The prisoner suspected it, and threatens to tell Sabrina, until Nathan explains that he just wants the young woman to be happy, which seems to appease Stan, also in love with her. Elsewhere in Marseilles, Kévin (Théo Bertrand) finds Baptiste (Bryan Trésor) to tell him that Alexandra (Meryl Bie) is transgender. The conversation underlines the lack of education of the two friends on the issue, with great blows of misgendering and physical details, all punctuated by a great burst of laughter when Kévin explains to Baptiste that he wanted to sleep with her.

Kevin rejects Alexandra

Kevin still ends up going to see Alexandra, after having ghosted her, to apologize for her reaction. The young woman explains that she felt humiliated and soiled, and Kevin justifies his behavior by his hatred of lies, even if it is clear that this is not what bothers him the most. Alexandra admits that she should have spoken to him before, but she suspected that he was going to react like this and she was not ready for their relationship to end. At Kevin’s insistence, she agrees to tell her story.. She explains that, as a child, she was convinced that she would grow up to be a girl, but her mother once told her that it would not happen. After years of insults and teasing, Alexandra went to school dressed as a girl for the first time at 15, and explains that she felt really good then. After listening to her whole story, Kevin awkwardly puts his hand on Alexandra’s, and tells her that he “really want them to be friends“and that for him, “it will not be physically possible”.

Finally, for her part, Laëtitia (Caroline Riou) meets Claire (Annie Grégorio) before going to class and takes the opportunity to tell her about the inspector’s visit to her class. Despite Claire’s reassuring words, Laëtitia is convinced that she is a bad teacher. and that she is not made for that, but Claire reminds her of her qualities and the power she has to pass them on to her students. In class, the latter precisely defend her against Betty (Horya Benabet), to whom Laëtitia then speaks directly when she raises the possibility of being fired. After several days of conflict with Betty, the professor finally seems to have found common ground. She then goes into the inspector’s office and learns that the latter is impressed by her tenacity, and that she finds her fit to teach – as long as Laëtitia learns to better manage her emotions. The mother of the family ends up at Jérôme’s grave, a bottle of sparkling wine in her hand to talk about her victory of the day.

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