More beautiful life (spoilers): the Mistral says goodbye to Roland

On October 6 in Plus belle la vie (France 3, 8:20 p.m.), Laëtitia is reported sick and the Mistral says goodbye to Roland…

In the episode of More beautiful life Thursday, October 6, 2022, Laëtitia (Caroline Riou) dozed off on the sofa while revising. Very distressed by her inspection, she has a nightmare and wakes up with a start. Kévin (Théo Bertrand) points out to her that it is already 8 a.m., but Laëtitia has no intention of going to high school. She calls Rochat (Charles Schneider) and calls in sick… The headmaster has no choice but to run his class. But instead of teaching the French Revolution, he decides to move on to the next chapter: Napoleon. The students come to miss their teacher… Later, Valentin (David Ban) visits Laëtitia unexpectedly and immediately notices that she is not well. The teacher explains that she has trouble getting used to her new daily life as a teacher. Since knowing that she is going to be inspected, she no longer eats or sleeps. She doesn’t know if she’ll hold on, but she likes to teach.

At the Zéphyr, Luna (Anne Décis) informs Pavel (Laurent Hennequin) of Stan’s arrest (Cyril Durel). She advises him to leave in case Stan reports them, but Pavel trusts his former cellmate. He asks Luna to go buy him some prepaid phones, but Luna doesn’t have time. She must go to the funeral of Roland (Michel Cordes), who died a few days earlier. Pavel agrees to give her two days to mourn. After that, she will have to do what he asks of her. In the next room, Lorraine (Laurence Cormerais) hears Pavel give in to Luna and draws a clear conclusion: the criminal is still in love with her.

The Mistral says goodbye to Roland

At the Marci’s, Thomas (Laurent Kérusoré) and Kilian (Tim Rousseau) prepare for Roland’s funeral and share fond memories of their father. Mirta (Sylvie Flepp), she makes herself beautiful for Roland. She hopes to have the strength to go see him one last time before the funeral. Later, the Marcis and the Torres gather at the funeral home. Thomas explains that he wrote a text for the funeral, but does not think he has the courage to read it. To everyone’s surprise, Kilian volunteers. Although he is not very good with words, he wants to pay homage to his father. Together, Marci and Torres go to see Roland for the last time. Only Thomas stays behind, not having the strength to go and say goodbye to his father.

On the Place du Mistral, Léo (Pierre Martot) challenges Claire (Annie Grégorio) to find out if she intends to go to Roland’s funeral. Claire intended, but now that she knows Leo will be there, she prefers not to. She doesn’t want to play couple with him after what happened. Leo starts crying. He was very close to Roland and his disappearance is difficult. Finally, Claire offers to accompany him to the cemetery. At the same time, the Marci and Torres come out of the funeral home. Thomas announces that he has changed his mind. He finally wants to go see his father. Goodbye is very painful.

During the ceremony, Kilian reads the very moving text of Thomas. Suddenly, a phone starts ringing. Thomas recognizes his ringtone but cannot find his cell phone. He then understands: saying goodbye to his father, he bent over the coffin. He must have dropped his phone inside. Amused, he points out that everyone can now join Roland. After the ceremony, everyone close to Roland gathers at the Mistral bar to have a drink in his homage. Thomas then decides to call his father, and everyone leaves him a short message.

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