More beautiful life: the surprising revelation of Léa François on Barbara’s pregnancy

In the last episodes of “Plus belle la vie”, Barbara discovered that she had made a pregnancy denial and that she was 6 months pregnant. During an interview, Léa François returned to this surprising plot.

In the episode of Plus belle la vie this Wednesday, November 2, Barbara (Léa François) learned with amazement that she was 6 months pregnant. After feeling unwell, the young woman had consulted Gabriel in order to do tests to check that she did not have something serious.

And the result of these analyzes was clear: the young cook has denied pregnancy and is expecting a baby. A shocking news that surprised both the person concerned and the other inhabitants of the Mistral.

If many could think that the screenwriters of Plus belle la vie had developed this unusual plot to explain the pregnancy of Léa François, the actress explained during an interview with our colleagues from Télé Loisirs that he did not was nothing.

What’s crazy is that the writers started writing this plot about two weeks before I told them I was pregnant! We did telepathy (laughs).”

When announcing the news to the authors, Léa François feared that her role in the series would be reduced. She was therefore very surprised by their reaction. “The production jumped to the ceiling when they discovered my pregnancy. This plot couldn’t have come at a better time.

Especially since this story allowed Léa François to fully experience her pregnancy. “It was happiness because I no longer had to hide my belly”, she confided. “I loved shooting with my belly free. […] All of Barbara’s reactions were also easier to interpret. Each line of text spoke to me. My daughter was really kicking when I said her baby was moving on the screen.

Addressing the theme of pregnancy denial was also very important for the actress who regrets that it is still a taboo subject. “Around me, several people have experienced denials of pregnancy”, she explained. “It’s quite common. I was really happy to talk about it because it’s a subject that is not that rare and I have the impression that we don’t talk about it much.”

It now remains to be seen who Tim or Abdel (Marwan Berreni) is the real father of Barbara’s baby, the young woman having slept with the two boys a few weeks apart.

Only a paternity test will tell… One thing is certain, the answer to this question should arrive by the end of Plus belle la vie, which will be broadcast on November 18 on France 3. In the meantime, find the unreleased episodes of Plus belle la vie every evening from Monday to Friday from 8:20 p.m. on France 3 and in preview on Salto.

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