More “Black Mirror” is not possible: An episode of season 6 should be written by ChatGPT


“Black Mirror” Season 6 almost got an episode authored by the software ChatGPT. Ultimately, the episode didn’t make it into the Netflix series. We reveal what caused it.

Black Mirror Season 6: There almost was a ChatGPT episode.

Black Mirror Season 6: There almost was a ChatGPT episode. (Source: 2023 Netflix, Inc.)

  • “Black Mirror” Season 6 almost got an episode written by the software ChatGPT.
  • However, the screenplay did not meet the demands of series creator Charlie Brooker.
  • The big shortcoming of artificial intelligence: it cannot develop new ideas.

“Black Mirror” shows us dystopian worlds in which technology was usually the trigger for terrible situations – and thus ensures that fans of the series often eye technical innovations critically.

The software ChatGPT, with which texts can be generated by an artificial intelligence, is one of these technical innovations that causes a queasy feeling in many people. On the one hand, it can automatically generate amazingly good texts on all kinds of topics, on the other hand, the software harbors the risk that false information could be spread unquestioningly or that creative professions could be abolished.

“Black Mirror” creator Charlie Brooker wanted to put ChatGPT to the test right away and had the AI ​​program write an episode of his series. But he quickly realized that the material was unusable. The problem is that ChatGPT cannot create anything new, but has only dismembered existing “Black Mirror” episodes and put them together into a “new” episode.

“I’ve been playing around with ChatGPT for a bit. The first thing I did was type ‘generate Black Mirror episode’ and it comes out with something that reads plausible on first glance but sucks on second glance . Because all it’s done is look up all the Black Mirror episode summaries and kind of throw them together. Then if you dig a little deeper, you’re like, ‘Oh, there’s actually no really original thought here. There is [der 1970er-Impressionist] Mike Yarwood – there’s a current reference.”

Charlie Brooker to Britain’s Empire magazine

ChatGPT will not be able to replace screenwriters that easily. On June 15, 2023, the sixth season of “Black Mirror” will start on the Netflix streaming service.

A top-class cast awaits you. Among others, you’ll see Salma Hayek Pinault in an episode where a woman finds out how much a streaming service knows about her when she discovers a show based on her life, played by Hayek.

Rate Black Mirror
genreDrama, Sci Fi & Fantasy
first airing


First broadcast in Germany


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networksNetflix, Channel 4


Zeppotron, House of Tomorrow


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