More comfort at the doctor’s: the electronic patient file is on the cell phone

Anyone who has ever had to stay in hospital knows how complicated it can sometimes be: Findings from different doctors, information about previous illnesses, medication and the treatment history have to reach the hospital somehow – this is often still possible by post or fax.

The electronic patient record (ePA) is intended to remedy the situation, with which all this data can be stored digitally and easily shared between the various healthcare departments. In addition to easy availability, user control should also be possible. So you can determine who can see which health data.

Sounds like futuristic music? No, the ePA has been there for a long time. Since January 1, 2021 all those with statutory health insurance can receive an ePA from their health insurance companies, in which medical findings and information from previous examinations and treatments are stored across practice and hospital boundaries. But hardly anyone uses it so far.

How to set up the EHR.

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