more leaks that make us dream for the future

Marvel’s Spider-Man 3 is being talked about again following a new wave of leaks appearing on the internet. It gives us a good idea of ​​what’s next, in any case, it leaves us wondering about what could happen soon.

At the end of last year, the Insomniac studio suffered a huge hack. A lot of data then ended up in the wild, revealing information on a Marvel’s Spider-Man multi game unfortunately canceled, or even on Marvel’s Wolverine, the next highly anticipated game. But the weaver’s third adventure also caused a lot of talk and it seems that today, other elements have found their way onto social networks.

WARNING – Spoilers. We will not reveal the images here but what they refer to. For those who have not done Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, it is better to abstain so as not to be spoiled. You have been warned.

Images that give an idea of ​​what Marvel’s Spider-Man 3 could be

As spotted by Insider Gaming, a handful of pre-production gameplay footage has been discovered and shared online. They highlight a female character, Silk aka Cindy Moon. If the name Silk doesn’t mean anything to you, that of Cindy Moon may have resonated with those who completed the game, and that’s normal. The young woman appears briefly at the very end of Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 in a post-credits scene. She is invited to dinner with Miles who then meets her. Like Morales in the first game, Silk could well be the next heroine of Marvel’s Spider-Man 3.

In the comics, Silk is bitten by the same spider that bit Peter Parker. She then develops powers and becomes Spider Woman. His abilities differ a bit from Peter’s, but are still pretty close. A spider-sense, extraordinary agility, more strength, an overdeveloped spider-sense or even the ability to weave its webs itself. In certain comics, she also has the possibility of feeling Peter’s presence thanks to a very special bond that she shares with the latter. A heroine who would therefore have her place in Insomniac’s Spiderverse. On paper it still sells a dream.

Silk in the comics ©Marvel

A bright future for the franchise, but nothing has been decided yet

If Marvel’s Spider-Man 3 has not been announced, it seems obvious that it will be soon. The saga has been on the rise since the first episode and the games are a hit. In its third episode, Silk could therefore make a remarkable entrance. In the images found by Insider Gaming, we see it twirling in the air. Some will also recognize the animations of Mile Morales. Nothing could be more normal, these are clearly prototype images at a clearly not advanced stage. Moreover, it is good to remember that if the images do indeed exist and that there have indeed been a ton of leaks following the Insomniac hack, there is nothing to assure us that all of this will be repeated in the future. If these are indeed images of a game that we still haven’t seen, ideas can drastically change between now and then.

But in any case, what is true is that it gives us an idea of ​​what’s next and the direction that Insomniac could take. We know, the studio knows its subject and intends to create an entire universe. It has also been confirmed that Marvel’s Wolverine will be part of it. We can therefore expect to see more and more different, playable heroes in the studio’s Marvel games, enough to make fans salivate.

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