It is an alarming observation. On the night of September 1 to September 2, the day before the start of the school year, more than a thousand children slept in the street according to a survey published by the Federation of Solidarity Actors and Unicef France.
This Thursday, September 17, the Federation of Solidarity Actors (FAS) and Unicef France published an alarming report. The night of September 1 to 2, the day before the start of the school year, more than 1,000 children slept in the street.
An alarming report from Unicef France
The figures are based on the number of calls received by the emergency number, 115. Of 5,527 people with families, 2,925 could not be accommodated. Among these are 1,483 children under the age of 18. In the French capital, 93% of families who contacted 115 that night could not be sheltered. Concerning the rest of France, 44% of them could not be received in emergency accommodation centers. The report further states that it "increases more and more." Indeed, for several weeks, the need for help has continued to grow. UNICEF and the Federation of Solidarity Actors are sounding the alarm bells.
We are facing an alarming situation
Insufficient reception capacity
"These figures clearly indicate that we are facing an alarming situation" according to Florent Gueguen, director of the FAS, who spoke to the AFP. Indeed, the problem is the discrepancy between the reception capacity of emergency accommodation and the number of requests. Moreover, the report notes that the survey is based on non-exhaustive figures. Indeed, they do not take into account people who have not called 115. We can therefore imagine that the figure is more enormous. The FAS and Unicef are thinking in particular of families living in slums or in squats. In addition, the document reviews the budget released by the government on the subject. Unfortunately, it does not provide for the opening of additional places for families living on the streets: "While the stimulus plan presented last week by the government contains a budget of 100 million euros for accommodation, it does not provide for the creation of additional places for families while demand remains exponential", can we read in the report. In addition, less than 1% of the credits of the recovery plan are allocated to the most precarious.
A reality still unacceptable
Reception conditions unsuitable for family life
But Florent Gueguen underlines an evolution if we compare these figures to those of last year. The health crisis has allowed access to hotels for some people and especially for families. This is why he points out: "However, we must recognize a positive development: the number of refusals for emergency accommodation has decreased overall compared to the same time last year thanks to the opening of additional accommodation places in hotels since the beginning of the health crisis ", he explains. But the hotel solution has its limits when it comes to families. Indeed, these accommodations do not meet all the needs of these homeless: "The hotel is unsuitable for family life and does not meet the basic needs of the children who live there: balanced nutrition, care, hygiene, privacy, proximity to school and the leisure center, possibility of homework in peace, to invite friends. "
The problem is accentuated among families, because, in the end, it requires a more substantial reception capacity, since it takes several people into account. The UNICEF report explains: "Paradoxically, being with family can become an obstacle to sheltering due to the lack of accommodation places compatible with the family composition … and when accommodation is available, families are sometimes forced to stay. separate to spend the night. Resorting to overnight hotel stays, an already saturated park, then becomes the main response to requests from family members. "
How to help children living on the streets?
So, at our level, how can we help people living in the street? Some solutions are possible:
- The Entourage association guides you on how to bond with homeless families without appearing intrusive. Visit the Simple as Hello site to find out more.
- Once you are well informed on the subject, you can ask the family if they need help, talk to them.
- Inform the family of the emergency number: 115
- Call 115 with the consent of the family
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