more than 200,000 positive cases in 24 hours, announces Braun

The number of Covid-19 contaminations “should slightly exceed 200,000” over the past 24 hours, the new Minister of Health François Braun announced on Tuesday during a hearing at the National Assembly.

The seventh epidemic wave is increasing in recent days and we are recording around 120,000 cases (per day) on average this past week, with the number of cases expected to slightly exceed 200,000 tonight, said Mr. Braun at the opening of the meeting. a discussion on the health monitoring and safety bill.

Faced with a virus that is circulating more and faster, we must protect the population and ensure the impact of this recovery on the health system, pleaded the minister before the Law Commission, the day after his appointment in the Borne 2 government.

Noting the increase in admissions to conventional hospital services and, to a lesser extent, to critical care, this emergency physician stressed that it had so far been well below the January peak and without comparison with the previous waves, an even greater magnitude.

However, we are extremely attentive to the evolution of the situation in the context that we know about the hospital, continued Mr. Braun.

And contrary to what some claim, the government’s strategy is clear in the face of this wave, he said, calling for all the right reflexes to be found.

In addition to the recommended wearing of a mask in crowded places, such as here for example, public transport, transport for holidays, the minister, masked, encouraged the second vaccination reminder for the most fragile.

Vaccination against severe forms saves lives, insisted Mr. Braun, saying that he, as an emergency doctor, had seen far too many avoidable deaths. After a recent rebound, nearly 3 million people have received a second dose, which is better but still not enough, he said.

If we are coming out of exceptional crisis regimes, we are not getting out of the Covid epidemic and there is a need to maintain certain tools, the subject of the two very targeted articles of the bill, defended the minister.

This text is not a draft state of emergency and includes minimum but necessary measures allowing us after July 31 to monitor the epidemic to protect the French, he insisted.

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