More training places – too few paediatricians: now a solution is in sight

Parents are desperate because specialists are missing. Young doctors would like to become pediatricians, but there are not enough training places. So what to do? The head of the Innsbruck children’s clinic, Thomas Müller, had an idea – and it should now become reality.

At the beginning of August, the head of the Innsbruck children’s clinic, Thomas Müller, sounded the alarm at the 125-year celebration of the children’s clinic. As reported, there is a dangerous undersupply in the field of paediatrics in Tyrol. Checkout counters are becoming increasingly difficult to fill. Some have been orphaned for years. It is also becoming increasingly difficult to fill vacancies in the district hospitals. The absurd thing about the situation is that there is a shortage of paediatricians, even though the profession is in great demand. Many young doctors would like to study paediatrics. But they simply don’t get an apprenticeship. Because these are limited. A circumstance that causes bottlenecks not only in paediatrics. In this subject, however, it is particularly crass. “We could train significantly more young doctors, but there is a lack of funding,” says Müller, pointing out the dilemma. One that could serve as a role model beyond the borders of Tyrol. The state government plans to make a decision on this on Tuesday. This stipulates that the state will finance training places together with the ÖGK health insurance company and regional partners such as municipal associations. Specifically, initially eight in the coming years. The special thing about it: During the training, the doctors not only work in the clinic, but also in regional hospitals and in the private sector. The ÖGK is primarily concerned with the specialist positions in the country. Experience has shown that these are easier to fill if young doctors can already gain experience there during their training. Immediate effects because young doctors work in the country This relatively simple principle is also observed by the clinic director. He cites the Oberland as an example, where a pediatrician was trained and established locally through cooperation with the Zams hospital. For Müller, the new cooperation with the state, municipalities and ÖGK is a “milestone” that could also prevent shortages of doctors in other specialist areas. The additional training positions would have immediate positive effects, he emphasizes: “The doctors are already present in the regions during training and relieve existing structures. This means we can also offer additional emergency services in off-peak times.” The state government also sees this initiative as an important step. This means that a wave of retirements and vacancies can be effectively counteracted.
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