Morning routine: Get through the day successfully with these tips

For more productivity!
3 things to do in the first 3 hours of the day

© LightField Studio / Shutterstock

"The early bird catches the worm" – but not with a smartphone in hand. Because the technical device filters our psyche and allows us to start a day that is likely to be unsuccessful. The first three hours determine how productive our day will be. According to studies, you only have to consider the following points …

Who does not know it? The alarm goes off, you roll back and forth in annoyance, but it doesn't work anyway – you have to get up anyway. The first time you reach for your smartphone to switch off the annoying noise and before you know it, you are already scrolling through the first social networks. However, we are setting a completely wrong note for our day. According to trend forecaster Michael McQueen, the first minutes of our day determine how successful the rest of the day will be for us. And reaching for the smartphone in this context is like reaching for the toilet.

Instagram and Co. kidnap our psyche without our noticing it – we act under external control and thus lose control. The long-term consequence: an increased stress level – and that is the culprit of a large number of diseases and accelerates the aging process. Ugh, devil!

But not only the first few minutes are crucial for a successful day. According to psychologist Ron Friedman, correct behavior in the first three hours of the day can help to increase productivity and thus even reduce the work week by 20 hours.

Step one …

… on the morning to-do list is breakfast. But not just any breakfast: Rich in protein should it be. According to Professor Donald Layman, the component keeps the blood sugar level constant and prevents the well-known tiredness after eating.

Step two …

… is dedicated to the so-called 90-90-1 challenge. In the next 90 days you are asked to work through the first and therefore most relevant point of your to-do list in the first 90 minutes of the day. This sets the tone for the day and gets you going right away.

Step three …

… listen classical musicin order to concentrate as best as possible and to be able to hide external disruptive factors.

Once you've spent the first three hours of your morning like this, you can get down to checking out your social media accounts. We guarantee you one thing: You will be on Instagram and Co. for less than you normally are.