Moscow is agitating the threat of a Third World War, Beijing struggling with the Covid-19, strategic advice at LR… The news of this Tuesday morning

Find here the essential news of this Tuesday morning.


A meeting in Germany to decide to arm Ukraine. It is at the Ramstein base in Germany that the United States is bringing together some forty allied countries on Tuesday. The goal: to further arm Ukraine against the Russian invader, who warned last night of a risk “realof World War III. After sixty-two days of fighting, as the war in Ukraine generates unprecedented tensions between Russia and the West, the head of Russian diplomacy, Sergei Lavrov, raises the threat of an extension of the conflict that could degenerate into war world. “The danger is serious, it is real, it cannot be underestimated”, he warned the day after a visit to Ukraine by US foreign and defense officials. For the head of the Pentagon, Lloyd Austin, the objective of this meeting is to “Generate additional capabilities for Ukrainian forces”. Find the latest information on the war in Ukraine here.

Beijing expands screening. The threat of a general containment in Shanghai more than ever on the Chinese capital. China has been facing an epidemic outbreak since March that affects many provinces to varying degrees. It responds with a “zero Covid” strategy, accompanied by quarantine and massive screening. Eleven new districts began screening their residents on Tuesday. In total, approximately 20 million inhabitants are affected by this campaign. Even if the authorities have not mentioned the possibility of confinement, the example of Shanghai and its 25 million inhabitants who have been undergoing severe confinement since the beginning of April, frightens many Beijingers who prefer to build up food stocks for deal with this eventuality. Read our article.

The planet continues to rely on coal-fired power plants. Despite the damage caused to the environment, the planet still has projects for the construction or extension of coal-fired power plants in 34 different countries, especially in China. This is the sad observation denounced in the annual report of the Global Energy Monitor published on Tuesday. In total, the world, which has more than 2,400 coal-fired power plants in 79 countries, for a total of almost 2,100 gigawatts (GW) of production capacity, plans to increase its capacity by another 457 GW through new projects. of coal-fired power plants. In 2021, the fleet of coal-fired power plants in operation worldwide increased by another 18.2 GW, a rebound linked to Covid. China “continued to be the glaring exception to the current decline of developing power plants,” point out the authors.

North Korea wants to strengthen its nuclear arsenal. In a speech on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the Korean People’s Revolutionary Army, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un announced his intention to “strengthen and develop” his country’s nuclear armament. Remarks made only a month after the firing of a North Korean missile 150 km from the Japanese coast. For years, the country has been under severe international sanctions because of its nuclear and missile programs. Diplomatic negotiations aimed at convincing the leader to give it up have stalled since the failure in 2019 of a meeting between Kim Jong-un and then-US President Donald Trump.

Meeting between representatives of LFI and the PS. We organize on the left. Emissaries from La France insoumise and the Socialist Party will meet on Wednesday at LFI HQ in the 10th arrondissement of Paris. The rebellious will be represented in particular by the MEP Manuel Bompard, former campaign director for Jean-Luc Mélenchon in the presidential election. On the PS side, the presence of Pierre Jouvet, national secretary of the party in the elections, is announced. In addition, LFI is also negotiating with Europe Ecologie-les Verts (EE-LV), the French Communist Party (PCF) and the New Anti-Capitalist Party (NPA). The formation of Jean-Luc Mélenchon, who came third in the presidential election with nearly 22% of the vote, was initially cautious about the idea of ​​discussing with the PS. Read our story.

To be continued today

The LRs meet this Tuesday morning for the legislative elections. At 11 a.m. on Tuesday, the party is meeting its strategic council to deliberate on the way forward between now and the June legislative elections. How many of its figures, by then, will declare themselves in favor of discussions with the outgoing majority? The number of supporters of this line has been growing since the first round of the presidential election, marked by the collapse of the LR candidate, Valérie Pécresse (4.8%). Larger than expected, Emmanuel Macron’s victory could fuel this movement. Read our article.

Match against Real Madrid: for Guardiola’s Manchester City, the game is another. The English and their team turned entirely towards the collective face this Tuesday evening Real Madrid and its immense individuals in the semi-finals of the Champions League. The confrontation of two visions of sport: the mystique of Pep Guardiola who wants to be detached from the dictatorship of player statistics against the logic of star football. Read our article.


Between Le Pen and Zemmour, national resentment. If the two rival far-right leaders call for“union of patriots”, the two clans multiply the kindnesses and are far from reaching an agreement for the legislative elections of June. “We have no enemies in the camp of those who believe in France”, may well mumble the megaphones of the National Rally in advance of any development about Eric Zemmour. They do not embrace less, in general, on a series of nasty things, and the supporters of the former editorialist return it to them well. Such is the great family of the extreme right since it split into two rival candidacies. Read our article.

The interview

RN vote overseas: “The Ultramarins felt betrayed by the past five-year term.” Despite strong abstention – more than one in two voters did not vote – Marine Le Pen achieved historic scores in Martinique and Guadeloupe on Sunday. For Didier Destouches, lecturer at the University of the West Indies, it is a “retaliatory vote” against Emmanuel Macron. Read our interview.

The story

Suspicious hecatomb among the Russian oligarchs. According to information compiled by the American magazine Newsweek published on April 22, six influential Russian businessmen, specializing in the energy sector, have been found dead in recent weeks, in mostly unclear and intriguing circumstances. If these deaths have all the appearances of murders and family suicides, their rapid succession and the similarity of the facts raise questions. Read our story.

The exhibition

In Venice, a unique 2022 biennial. Militant, the 59th edition of the international exhibition of contemporary art gives pride of place to female artists, who for the first time in 127 years represent the majority of exhibitors. Read our article.

The portrait

Christian Le Squer, Breton palace. Review of the emblematic dishes that tell the story of the triple-starred George V, who grew up in Morbihan, far from the luxury where he now thrives. Discover our portrait here.

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