“Most beautiful dog in the world” wins renowned dog show video

Beauty contest
“Most beautiful dog in the world” wins renowned dog show

The competition for particularly beautiful dogs was great this year too!


This year more than 2000 dogs took part in the “Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show”, the oldest dog show in the world – but “Wasabi” beat them all!

For the 145th time, the “Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show” selected the most beautiful dog in the world in 2021. The competition was fierce, but in the end “Wasabi” was able to prevail clearly against the more than 2000 other dogs and is now considered “Best of the Show”. In the USA, the annual event is a mega-event, and the winners often become small stars afterwards.

Wasabi particularly impressed the jury

In the video we introduce the winning dog “Wasabi” and his master and tell you how they want to celebrate the victory.

Source used: n-tv.de
