Most expensive cities in the world – Zurich and Singapore are the most expensive places – News

  • The city of Zurich, together with Singapore, takes first place in the ranking of the most expensive cities in the world.
  • This is the conclusion reached by the British magazine “Economist” in its annual “cost of living index”.
  • The city of Geneva and New York take third place – ahead of Hong Kong, Los Angeles and Paris.

The city of Zurich has moved up five places since the last ranking, according to data published on Thursday by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), the analytical research unit of the “Economist” group.

Zurich’s top spot is partly due to the strong franc. But high prices for food or leisure activities also played a role.


Again more expensive than any other city in the world: Zurich.


Damascus is the cheapest place

Zurich and Singapore (1st place each) were followed in the EIU rankings by Geneva and New York (3rd place each), Hong Kong (5th place), Los Angeles (6th place), Paris (7th place), Copenhagen and Tel Aviv (each 8th place) and San Francisco (10th place).

According to the EIU, the cheapest city is Syria’s capital Damascus (rank 173). In front of her are the Iranian capital Tehran (rank 172) and Libya’s capital Tripoli (rank 171).

The Russian cities of Moscow (rank 142) and St. Petersburg (rank 147) were among the places that lost the most places due to the weakening of the ruble as a result of sanctions over the war in Ukraine.

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