Mother’s Day: How to create the perfect bouquet

Mother’s Day
This is how the perfect bouquet is made

Flowers are perfect as a present for Mother’s Day.

© Evgeny Atamanenko /

A bouquet of flowers is a classic among Mother’s Day gifts. But be careful: not all flowers have a positive meaning.

Flowers are a classic gift for Mother’s Day. They are designed to express gratitude, love, and affection. Each flower has its own symbolism – and this is not always positive. This has to be taken into account when choosing the arrangement for May 9th.

The Rose

The rose stands for passion and love – at least in the color red. A different tone evokes a different symbolism. Pink, for example, means youth and beauty, white means innocence and loyalty, and orange means warmth and security. So it is advisable for the partner to reach for the red rose, as a daughter or son, on the other hand, prefer the color orange.

The peony

With the peony you are right on Mother’s Day, because it is a symbol of salvation, security and maternal love. In Chinese culture it also stands for wealth and happiness, in Japan for feminine beauty.

The tulip

The tulip is one of the Germans’ favorite flowers and is in season until mid-May. As with roses, the tulip can have very different meanings depending on the color. Red and white tulips indicate deep and eternal love, in pink they symbolize the beginning of a relationship. It is best to give away yellow or orange tulips among friends; they represent sunshine or fascination.

The gerbera

The gerbera is a real hit when it comes to flower gifts. No wonder, because the sunny conditions under which the flower grows are also reflected in its symbolism. The flower stands for sincerity, appreciation and friendship.

The sunflower

Happiness, fun, human warmth and a warm “I like you” – this is symbolized by the shining sunflower. Actually, it does not bloom until June and October, but some flower shops might sell it on Mother’s Day, because you definitely can’t go wrong with the glowing flower as a gift.

The chrysanthemum

White, yellow, pink, orange: the chrysanthemum is available in many colors. Depending on the color, it stands for different symbols. Pink chrysanthemums stand for deep love, white for love beyond death, which is why they are often seen as grave flower arrangements. The yellow variant stands for luck and a long life, blue chrysanthemums convey loyalty.

The orchid

Playfulness, outstanding beauty, the will to survive and cleverness: the orchid symbolizes all of this, which is why it is such a popular present. In addition, with the right care, the special flower will last for several years – and beautify every window sill.

These flowers should be treated with caution

Not all flowers are associated with positive symbolism. Lilac can on the one hand stand for a beginning love, on the other hand it can also question the loyalty of the partner. Thus, caution applies here to partners who want to surprise their loved one with flowers on Mother’s Day. It is similar with daisies. While the flower stands for naturalness and unadulterated happiness among friends, in a partnership it can symbolize skepticism towards the loyalty of the other.

Carnations are also controversial. Why? They used to be the symbol for the labor movement, resistance or solidarity, but they have also been associated with narrow-mindedness. Since the Renaissance, the red carnation has stood for love and marriage, but in yellow it can convey antipathy to others.

Violets are also less suitable for Mother’s Day. The small, pretty flowers stand for modesty and innocence or also discretion and the request for patience.
