Motor Learning Type: The Best Learning Tips

Motor learning type
The best learning tips

© Branislav Nenin / Shutterstock

A motor learner needs a lot of movement to internalize the subject matter. You can find out which learning methods are particularly suitable here.

Sit still and listen carefully? It is difficult for a motor learner to take this. He needs movement sequences in order to be able to memorize learning content better and to internalize it more quickly. The learning strategies should therefore deduct that Courses of action be included. Otherwise this type of learner will find it difficult to learn – and not fun.

Motor learner: that's what makes him special

Is you one physical activity generally important? Do you get restless when you have to sit for a long time and can't move? This indicates a motor learner type. Go for a walk, ride a bike, do sports – Move has probably always been an integral part of your life. If it is missing, you will get bored and lose focus and concentration. Viewing or listening to learning material often doesn't get you anywhere – you want to do, get active and put theory into practice! As a motor learner, not every learning method is suitable for you. You can now find out which tips are suitable for you.

Learning tip 1: creative role play

Whenever it presents itself, you should study it on role-playing games put. Grab someone you trust or play a scenario all by yourself. This is particularly helpful when learning foreign languages, for example. Or even if you want to get better at presenting. In general: Always try to apply the learning material practically and don't just rely on books or lectures. As a motor learner, you learn best when you become active yourself.

Learning tip 2: Create alternative learning places

There is learning content for which you actually have to sit down quietly to learn it. For example, when you have to read something to learn. But why sit when you could also stand? So-called standing desks are becoming more and more popular and are particularly suitable for motor learners. The body is in fact a little more stressed than when sitting. And besides, it will improves your posturewhich means you have to worry less about neck pain.

A standing desk is out of the question for you? Then you could also have one Sitting ball think. It prevents you from sagging in the chair because you always have to move slightly to sit upright. This prevents bad posture and maintains your focus. Ideal to keep a movement-oriented learner on their toes.

Learning tip 3: plan breaks

Monotonous body positions are particularly tiring for you. For example, if you are practicing a new instrument or studying vocabulary for a foreign language, your body will often stay in one position for a long time. So that you can last longer while studying, you should definitely up regular breaks in which you get up briefly and yourself something to stretch your legs. Even if you have set goals and want to move forward quickly, your body (and head) will need these short exercise sessions so that you can maintain focus.

Learning tip 4: Analog learning methods

Just like a haptic learner, you too benefit from Writing down learning materials by hand – not just typing in the laptop. Open the notebook, pick up a pen, make colorful markings: it requires a lot more movement than pressing the keys on the laptop. In order to memorize important things, you should therefore learn more often write down by hand. As often as possible!

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