Mountain bikers, walkers, soon an app to alert you to the presence of hunters… but not the other way around!

Samir Rahmoun

January 07, 2023 at 4:30 p.m.


hunter rifle © © PxHere

© PxHere

The government wants to be able to protect walkers from potential hunting accidents.

And to do this, he will set up a service, in order to be able to report the presence of hunters!

Meerkat app will do

Has the government finally abandoned the policy of toll-free numbers? It must be said that even the Head of State explained this week ” be fed up of the abuse of these lines proposed by the ministries as solutions to all the problems.

But then, how to respond to fears about safety in nature? With the hunting accidents in the media in recent years, walkers feel less and less safe there, if we are to believe a survey by theIfop published by They were 46% to feel safe in 2009, against 30% today.

For the authorities, the solution to the problem seems to reside within the Meerkat application. Posted in 2014, it “ proposes to report the problems you encounter during your sports and nature leisure activities “. According to Le Figarowithin a few months, hunters will be able to mention their presence within a given perimeter.

The government does not want problems with hunters

On the other hand, walkers will not be able to warn of their passage, and will therefore have to be particularly careful when they have to pass through an area occupied by hunters.

The solution looks like a stopgap measure on the part of the government. A government that already has to deal with many controversies, particularly on the reform of unemployment insurance or the retirement age. With an awakening of the Yellow Vests following the sharp rise in inflation, Matignon does not want to alienate the hunters either. ” Now is not the time to make unnecessary sparks with people likely to protest “, thus confirms an adviser to the Figaro.

Hence the refusal to simply ban hunting on Sundays, when this solution, however very simple, has been favored by eight out of ten French people for several years. ” The president warned the secretary of state that it’s niet from niet explains the same source.

Source : Le Figaro

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