Mourning for Pope Emeritus – Benedict XVI: So condoles the world – News


The sympathy for the death of the emeritus pope is great: He is honored as a “giant of faith” and “special church leader”.

The still in office until midnight as Federal President Foreign Minister Ignazio Cassis paid tribute to the Pope Emeritus on Twitter. Benedict XVI I knew how to “combine great intellectual depth and modesty and always work for the good of mankind,” Cassis wrote. “Requiescat in pace”, rest in peace, he concluded his tweet.

Ringing of bells and prayers in honor of Pope Benedict

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After the death of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, the Swiss Bishops’ Conference called on the Roman Catholic parishes to ring the church bells in honor of Benedict. At 3 p.m. the parishes were called to ring the bells.

At the request of the Keystone-SDA news agency, Julia Moreno, spokeswoman for the Swiss Bishops’ Conference, confirmed that the call for the bells to ring at around 1 p.m. went to the parishes. In this respect, not all parishes would have been able to react in time. Nevertheless, the Bishops’ Conference wanted to set this sign in honor of the deceased Pope Emeritus.

In addition, the parishes were asked, in the Sunday services on New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day for Pope Benedict XVI. to pray. Some dioceses, such as those of Basel and St. Gallen, took up this request from the bishops’ conference on their website.

EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen offered condolences to all Catholics. With his resignation from the papacy in 2013, Benedict sent a strong signal, she wrote on Twitter. “As his physical strength waned, he continued to serve through the power of his prayers.”

the Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni has Benedict XVI. after his death he was referred to as the «giant of faith and reason». She called him “a man for the love of the Lord who has devoted his life to the service of the universal Church and has spoken and will continue to speak to the hearts and minds of men with the spiritual, cultural and intellectual depth of his Magisterium”.

Of the German Chancellor Olaf Scholz paid tribute to Benedict XVI. as “a special church leader” for Germany. The world is losing a formative figure in the Catholic Church, a combative personality and a clever theologian, Scholz said on Twitter.

Of the Russian President Vladimir Putin has Pope Benedict XVI. described as “a pre-eminent religious figure and statesman (and) a staunch defender of traditional Christian values,” according to the Kremlin’s website.

Benedict XVI – his life in pictures

UN Secretary-General António Guterres was saddened by the death of former Pope Benedict XVI. shown. “We remember Pope Benedict as a humble man of prayer and study,” Guterres said.

Benedict XVI – an extraordinary Pope

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Joseph Ratzinger was elected Pope on April 19, 2005, succeeding John Paul II. Almost eight years later, in a spectacular move, he became the first pope to resign voluntarily in more than 700 years. He was succeeded by Argentine Jorge Bergoglio as Pope Francis. Since then, Benedict has lived in seclusion in the Mater Ecclesiae monastery in the Vatican Gardens.

Benedict was the first German pope in about 480 years. During his pontificate he continued the conservative course of his predecessor. He resisted modernizing the church, which brought him a lot of criticism. His tenure was overshadowed above all by the abuse scandal, which plunged the Catholic Church into a deep crisis.

Of the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby, who is also the spiritual leader of the Anglican Church, tweeted that “Pope Benedict XVI. in his life and ministry led the people to Christ.” He joins the Catholic Church and mourns for him.

French President Emmanuel Macron designated Benedict XVI. as advocates for a more fraternal world. “My thoughts are with Catholics in France and around the world,” Macron said on Twitter.

Two bishops from Switzerland reacted with sadness to Benedict’s death. Of the Chur Bishop Joseph Bonnemain writes on the website of the diocese there that for him Benedict’s work “Introduction to Christianity” was decisive for the priestly path. Benedict XVI was a “great theological thinker”.

Alain de Raemy, Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese of Lausanne, Geneva and Fribourg and currently Apostolic Administrator of the Diocese of Lugano, writes in a media release that he learned of Benedict’s death “with deep sadness”. The late Pope was an example of authentic humility, subtle intelligence and great kindness in the service of the Church.

Simple funeral service for Benedict XVI.

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The funeral service for Benedict XVI. will be held in St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican on Thursday 5 January. The Mass with Pope Francis is scheduled to begin at 9:30 a.m. The body will be laid out in St. Peter’s Basilica on Monday, where believers can say goodbye.

The Vatican regulates in detail what to do when a pope dies. However, almost all regulations relate to the death of an incumbent pope. It is therefore unclear what the screenplay for the death of the pontiff emeritus might look like.

Benedict XVI wished for a simple ceremony for his own funeral service before his death. The spokesman for the Holy See, Matteo Bruni, said on Saturday. The Requiem on St. Peter’s Square will therefore be “solemn but simple”.

It will be interesting to see which political dignitaries will attend the funeral. Although Benedict was the head of the Papal States as pontiff, recent developments surrounding decades of abuse scandals cast a shadow over the life and work of the former pope. This could cause some politicians not to travel to Rome.

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