Movement islands: 5 simple ways to move more in everyday life

5 simple ways to move more in everyday life

© mimagephotography / Shutterstock

Between work, childcare and the like, many people lack the time for an extensive workout. These five simple tips will help you get more exercise every now and then – without going to the gym.

Most people in western industrialized countries do not move enough. Our bodies are designed to cover miles a day, just like our Stone Age ancestors did. Life in the cities, cars, the constant availability of food and the like mean that we sit far too much. Many people also lack the time for sports units in the gym.

The pandemic-related home office hasn’t made the problem any better for most of them: Because if even the way to work and the lunch break outside are eliminated, many of us don’t walk more than a few hundred steps a day – far too little to stay healthy in the long term.

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends about 150 minutes of moderate exercise and 75 minutes of vigorous activity per week. So it doesn’t always have to be a cardio workout or equipment training to stay healthy and fit. Here are four tips that you can use to incorporate simple islands of movement into your everyday life without having to spend time and energy going to the gym.

No gym necessary: ​​5 easy ways to move more in everyday life

1. Walking meetings

Do you work in the home office and therefore spend a large part of the day in front of the computer? A simple method to move more in between is so-called “walking meetings”, i.e. meetings during which you walk. Of course, this cannot be implemented for all calls, after all we need the computer for some appointments. But depending on the professional field, there are certainly a few meetings for which the phone is sufficient – and you can take a little walk during the conversation. Fresh air clears your head, and with the extra exercise you keep your body and mind healthy.

2. Take a walk to the sports unit

Speaking of walking, you should ideally schedule a walk around the block (or two) at least once a day anyway. Even walking for 20 to 30 minutes can help improve overall fitness. And if you feel like doing something more, with a few simple hacks you can turn your walk into a little workout. Build in lunges (lunges) in between, increase the tempo or walk backwards. You can find even more inspiration for a sporty walk here:

3. Stairs instead of an elevator

This everyday tip is as simple as it is effective: take the stairs instead of the elevator. Climbing stairs is a very good island of exercise to boost and strengthen the cardiovascular system in between. Even if it may take a bit of effort at first – you will quickly get used to the stairs and then automatically ignore the seductive elevator.

4. Consciously plan walking routes

Do you use public transport? Get off a station earlier and/or later! In this way, walking a few kilometers more can easily be incorporated into the daily balance. If you are mainly traveling by car, you can, for example, park a little further from your destination and also walk a few steps. If you make this a habit, you will automatically move more.

5. Move while watching TV

But you can also incorporate simple activity islands without leaving the house. Even while watching TV, you can do something like this for your health. Instead of just lying on the couch while binge-watching your favorite show, get some exercise. For example, if you have a treadmill or exercise bike at home, you can go for a walk or ride a bike while watching TV.

But even without special equipment, you can move around a bit: do a few simple Pilates or yoga exercises – either on the mat on the floor or even comfortably on the sofa. With every movement, no matter how small, you can make a lasting contribution to your fitness and health.

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