MPs launch a platform to testify to violence in the community

Since July, a commission of inquiry of the National Assembly led by Sabrina Sebaihi, rapporteur, and Béatrice Bellamy, president, has been trying to shed light on “ failures within the sports movement “. A platform for collecting testimonies from victims of violence in the sporting world, called “Swing your sport”was put online on Wednesday September 13 as part of this commission.

Launched at the request of environmentalists, it “aims to support the momentum of liberating speech”. According to them, the revelations “sexual and gender-based violence” have touched “almost all disciplines”.

Read also: Sexual violence in sport: the Senate strengthens measures to protect minors

“We receive a number of testimonies and messages from people who wish to speak about situations of violence experienced within clubs, licenses and federations. This is a sign that the need to speak, and moreover to be listened to, remains urgent”argued environmentalist MP Sabrina Sebaihi.

These jobs “cannot be done without fully listening to the citizens affected by this violence”added MP Béatrice Bellamy (Horizons, presidential majority), president of the commission and associated with the launch of the platform.

Testimonies of victims of violence, “physical or psychological”can be deposited on the site They will be consultable by the thirty MPs who are members of the investigative body, who will make recommendations at the end of their work, which should last a maximum of six months.

The World with AFP

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