Multifunctional tunnel – The Grimsel tunnel gets a new boost – News


Middle Councilor Beat Rieder has submitted a proposal that the federal government should ensure funding for the multifunctional Grimsel Tunnel. Although he did not achieve a majority with this, the multifunctional tunnel is now being planned nonetheless.

Switzerland is a country of public transport and tunnels. If Beat Rieder has his way, another 22-kilometre tunnel should be added between the Goms and the Haslital. “The Grimsel Tunnel is a unique project, a bundling project of rail and high-voltage lines in a long tunnel, for the first time in Europe and exemplary at affordable costs.”

The Valais Central Council of States spoke of 750 million francs. He was also convinced that there would be no substantial additional costs for this project, in contrast to other tunnel constructions. Nowhere else in Switzerland is the granite, the rock, as well recorded as at the Grimsel.

“Well-intentioned motion goes too far”

As a member of the Council of States and board of directors of the Grimselbahn, Rieder naturally represents the interests of the region, which does a lot for Switzerland, but has the feeling that it is being neglected. Beat Rieder quoted from a letter from a mayor of the Haslital: “We are fed up with having large construction sites in our valley to secure Switzerland’s energy supply without anything in return.”

That is why Bundesbern should finally do something for the local population with the multifunctional Grimsel Tunnel – electricity and rail. A concern for which the other Councils of States had a lot of understanding. Nevertheless, Rieder’s initiative goes beyond the scope when he calls for a financing decision for a single infrastructure project, said the Uri FDP representative Josef Dittli. “There, this well-intentioned motion by colleague Rieder goes too far.”

Where would that end if the federal government suddenly approved funding for individual rail projects? Other council members then promptly announced their regional wishes, such as Andrea Gmür-Schönenberger (Mitte/LU). “In Lucerne, for example, we have been waiting for half a century for the urgently needed expansion of the infrastructure at the Lucerne hub and in the direction of Zurich.” Or the Basel SP representative Eva Herzog: “Of course, I would like to complete the round and remind you that there is a Basel railway node project that also needs funds.”

Advance does not find a majority

Nevertheless, the Council of States was of the opinion that the necessary new power line between Valais and Bern and a new belt tunnel should be planned together. The Council has therefore unanimously passed a corresponding planning motion. Herzog added that she wanted to congratulate Rieder on how much he had achieved with his motion. Nevertheless, she asked the council members to reject it because the motion of the Commission for Transport and Telecommunications (KVF) contained his concerns.


Beat Rieder (centre, with hand raised) withdrew his motion in favor of the commission motion.

KEYSTONE/Alessandro della Valle

Beat Rieder then spoke again. He was very pleased that the Federal Council had explained to the Council of States that the Grimsel region represents one of the main batteries for the security of Switzerland’s energy supply, without whose energy neither the Lucerne through station nor the Basel station could be operated. “With this in mind, I withdraw my motion in favor of the commission’s motion.”

Now the business goes to the National Council. Construction of the new tunnel could start in 2027 at the earliest.

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