Munich Film Festival: Isabelle Huppert and new film with Robert De Niro

Munich Film Festival
Isabelle Huppert and new film with Robert De Niro

Cinema legend Isabelle Huppert will be coming to the Isar herself, and a new work by veteran star Robert De Niro will be on display.

© MJT/AdMedia/ImageCollect/ddp/abaca press/Guerin Charles

New films with Isabelle Huppert and Robert De Niro celebrate their German premiere at the Munich Film Festival.

Shortly before the start of this year’s Munich Film Festival, further top-class stars and film contributions have been confirmed. The French cinema legend Isabelle Huppert (71) will be present at the Isar to present her new work “Madame Sidonie in Japan”. This was announced by the Majestic film distributor on Tuesday (June 18). In addition, an exciting new film with veteran star Robert De Niro (80) will also celebrate its German premiere at the festival.

This is what “Madame Sidonie in Japan” is about

In “Madame Sidonie in Japan”, Isabelle Huppert plays the well-known French writer Sidonie Perceval, who finds it difficult to cope with the death of her husband. Her publisher there wants to distract her on a trip to Japan. The two visit Kyoto, the city of shrines and temples, in the Japanese spring. But only when Sidonie is able to let go of the past is she able to love again.

In addition to leading actress Huppert, director Élise Girard (48) is also expected to attend the German premiere on June 30th at the Cinema Filmtheater. “Madame Sidonie in Japan” opens in German cinemas on July 11th.

“Ezra – A Family Story” with Robert De Niro at the Munich Film Festival

Visitors to the Munich Film Festival can also look forward to a top-class US production this year: As Tobis Film has announced, “Ezra – A Family Story” will celebrate its German premiere on July 1st at the Isar.

In the drama by director Tony Goldwyn, stand-up comedian Max (Bobby Cannavale, 54) goes on a road trip across the USA with his son Ezra (William Fitzgerald, 15), who has Asperger’s syndrome. On the trip, father and son get to know each other in a whole new way.

Other roles include Robert De Niro as Max’s father Stan, Rose Byrne (44) as his wife Jenna, as well as Whoopi Goldberg (68), Vera Farmiga (50) and entertainer Jimmy Kimmel (56). The film opens in German cinemas on September 12th. This year’s Munich Film Festival takes place from June 28th to July 7th.


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