Murder of young Lily in the United States: a suspect arrested

Police say they have arrested a suspect in the investigation into the murder of 10-year-old Lily, who was found dead in a Wisconsin forest on Monday.

A suspect arrested. On Tuesday, US police announced they had arrested a person in the investigation into the murder of 10-year-old Lily Peters who was found dead in a Wisconsin woods. The authorities did not give many details about this suspect, simply explaining that he is a relative, young. “We have arrested a young suspect in this case,” Chief Matthew Kelm said at a press conference, quoted by ABC News. “The suspect was not a foreigner. The suspect was known to the victim. We don’t think there is a danger to the community at this time.” He added: “While nothing will bring Lily Peters back or change what happened, we are very grateful to be able to share this news with the family and the community.”

Lily was found dead Monday morning in a wooded area of ​​Chippewa Falls. Quickly, the local police confirmed that the body discovered near a footpath was indeed that of the little girl. She vanished on Sunday and her father quickly reported her missing. A canine squad was deployed to find her as soon as possible. During the search, the schoolgirl’s bicycle was discovered not far from a path that led to her aunt’s house.

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Following his disappearance, an intense manhunt had been launched. The track of the homicide was then privileged once the body was discovered. Chief Matthew Kelm said the investigation is now continuing.

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