“Muriel Robin is right”: Tristan Lopin speaks out about the homophobia of which he was a victim because he “identified too gay”: Femme Actuelle Le MAG

A 36-year-old comedian, Tristan Lopin uses irony and self-deprecation in his sketches to address social issues on which mentalities sometimes remain anchored in the past. Homosexuality and the representation of masculinity are notably themes that he has decided to focus on to denounce certain practices. Talk show guest What an era! Saturday October 7, 2023, the comedian answered questions from Léa Salame on the taboo surrounding accepted homosexuality in the cinema industry. As a reminder, Muriel Robin, invited to the same place, had strongly criticized the homophobia shown by certain producers towards the actors. “When you are an actor or actress there is something of the order of desire, it is sexual, consciously or unconsciously so that means that if you are homosexual you are not desirable, you are not penetrable. And when we cannot be penetrated in the cinema, in this society, we are worthless.” declared the 68-year-old actress on Saturday September 16, 2023. A speech which particularly spoke to Tristan Lopin. Following Muriel Robin’s rant, the comedian published a corrosive sketch on social networks featuring an openly homophobic producer.

Tristan Lopin: “We are still fighting”

Also concerned by this question of representativeness and acceptance, Tristan Lopin was therefore questioned about the actress’s comments on France 2. “When eShe says that she thinks that she has been sanctioned in her career and that homosexuals in general who say this are sanctioned… Is she right in your opinion?”, Léa Salamé asked him. But of course ! And what I was very surprised about was that people discovered itreplied the comedian who has never hidden his homosexuality and tries to break taboos. We are aware that we don’t see many open homosexuals in the cinema… I’m surprised that people are discovering that!”. And to talk about his personal experience. “Today I am offered projects, but for a very long time, I was told ‘Ah, no, because you are too gay identified’”, he confided, before denouncing: “we live in a society where LPeople don’t realize it. […] We are still struggling.”

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