Museum director changes – From Szabo to Szabo: Successor takes over

In 1965, residents interested in history founded the association “Unterwarter Heimathaus – Alsóöri Otthon”. Objects of historical, scientific or ethnological value from the Burgenland Hungarians from Unterwart and the surrounding area were collected. There from the start: Mayor Ernst Szabo.

“Ernö Bácsi”, as he is called by his friends, has been the soul of the museum ever since and can tell a lot about the more than 4,000 exhibits, folk costumes, the 170-year-old building and the history of the community. After 56 years, the 90-year-old is handing over management to his successor Joachim Szabo. As honorary chairman, he will remain with the association and will be available for guided tours. He also has a lot to report about the Unterwarter Water Cooperative, which he co-founded a year later as the museum and for which he worked for half a century Burgenland-Hungarian cultural association – “Ernö Bácsi” is an institution! His successor Joachim Szabo not only wants to involve the own population more closely in museum life, but also hopes for even more tourists and young people from Hungary with an interest in the earlier common history. Ready for New guests: From Easter to the end of October, the museum is ready to receive guests again. The opening times can be found on the municipality’s website.
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