Musik-Aus – Oehl: A duo is now going separate ways

Ari Oehl and Hjörtur Hjörleifsson met in Salzburg during their school days. Her songs are now on the radio station FM4. They played concerts with pop great Herbert Grönemeyer. And yet the successful Oehl duo will part ways in the future. There are no bad words to say goodbye.

Oehl are the masters of silent tones. The songs of the songwriters exude a wonderful melancholy and lightness. So it is hardly surprising that the successful duo also ends quietly and without much tam-tam. Hjörtur Hjörleifsson leaves the band, spoke up on Facebook. “My role within Oehl was often one of balance, interpersonal and creative, while I often disregarded my own well-being and capacities,” writes the native Icelander. He took more than a year to make up his mind. Now he can clearly formulate what he wants and what not. “The decision feels right,” says Hjörleifsson. If the corona pandemic allows, there should be a joint farewell concert in the Wiener Konzerthaus on January 31st. And then? Ari Oehl wants to go on alone. “With many wonderful collaborations,” as it is called. Hjörleifsson does not go into early musical retirement either. A new band project is planned. At the start are “friends with whom I’ve always wanted to make music,” says Hjörleifsson. And: “I only wish Ari the best!”
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