Musk and Bezos plan to accommodate homeless people at Twitter headquarters

Musk and Bezos plan to turn Twitter headquarters into homeless shelters

American entrepreneur Elon Musk – here at the E3 Gaming Convention in Los Angeles in 2019 – often draws attention to himself with unusual tweets.

Mike Blake/Reuters

so. / (Reuters) Two of the richest people in the world propose converting the headquarters of the short message service Twitter into a homeless shelter to tackle the problem of homelessness. Amazon founder Jeff Bezos on Sunday backed an idea put forward by Elon Musk, who recently became Twitter’s largest shareholder. He suggested converting the social network’s San Francisco headquarters into a homeless shelter, given the few people working there during the pandemic.

Bezos tweeted an article by technology blog GeekWire May 2020 on Amazon’s eight-story family homeless shelter attached to its Seattle headquarters. He explained that the initiative works well and that it is easy for employees who want to volunteer. Bezos also suggested converting at least part, if not all, of Twitter’s headquarters into a homeless shelter. Musk agreed in another tweet, calling it a “great idea.”

Musk doesn’t want to be on the board of directors

so. / (Reuters) Elon Musk also decided not to join the social media company’s board of directors on Sunday, Chief Executive Parag Agrawal said in a tweet. Musk, who announced a 9.2 percent stake in Twitter just days ago, has been offered a seat on the board and his appointment is expected to take effect on Saturday. But “Elon announced that same morning that he would no longer be a member of the board,” Agrawal said in a note on Twitter.

Musk, who has more than 81 million followers on Twitter, launched a poll on Saturday asking users to vote on whether the building should be remodeled. The poll received over a million votes in less than a day, with more than 90 percent voting yes.

The head of electric vehicle manufacturer Tesla, who frequently tweets about his company and other topics, has been known to keep people guessing if he’s joking. This time, however, Musk has made it clear that this is not a hoax. “I’m serious,” he tweeted and thus took up the topic from Sunday.

In a separate poll Musk asked Sunday whether the “w” should be removed from Twitter’s name, with two options: “yes” and “of course.” Musk had proposed a series of changes to the premium subscription service Twitter Blue on Saturday, including lowering the price, banning advertising and allowing payments with the cryptocurrency Dogecoin.

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