My child is annoying: Parents admit what they don't like about their children

My child is annoying!
Parents admit what they can't stand about their child

My child is annoying: Annoyed mother

© Alexander Egizarov / Shutterstock

My child is annoying! Yes, you can find your child stupid sometimes. Parents admit what they can't stand about their little ones …

Yes, children are a little miracle, they show us what unconditional love means and we wouldn't want to exchange them for anything in the world. Everything is right. But these platitudes only describe half the side of the coin. With the other, almost all parents are likely to have caught themselves at one point or another. The difference: we think them rather than pronounce them, these three magical words … "My child is annoying!"

Oops. Is it even allowed to say that? Sure, of course. Because even if children are sometimes so similar to their parents that they come across as miniature versions, one must not forget: They are very own personalities. And you love them with all your heart – but there are some things you can't like about them.

On Reddit, parents have now unpacked about the wondrous quirks of their children that sometimes drive them insane, to say the least. We have the best answers to the question: "Confession time: what thing do you like least about your children?" collected …

Parental confessions: what annoys me about my child

“My son decided he was a secret agent. Every time I ask him to try something new, he says, 'Hmm, I've tried this on a secret mission so I know I don't like it! '"

"Mine both think the lockdown would mean never having to bathe or use deodorant again …"

When they hold up the mirror to you …

"My 4-year-old is way too much like me. It's difficult to argue with a smaller, less emotionally mature version of yourself."

"Everything that annoys me about my child has been copied from me! I seem to be very annoying …"

If you don't want to stop talking …

"My child can literally talk for hours without a period. It annoys me as hell."

"My nephew only stops talking when he sleeps."

"11-year-old prepubescent daughter. Always spoiled questions and drama. All the time."

"She always wants to know what we're doing. When I lie down, she checks whether I'm really sleeping."

Oh, and if they whine …

"That damn constant whining. Eat the damn food. No, we're not there yet. Share this with your sister. Crying won't change my mind."

"Worse still, if you use the whiny voice normally. That drives me crazy."

"I just don't answer my whining child anymore."

When you know everything better …

"Much too grown up. We call her mom because she always looks at us with that annoyed look."

"She's five and already so bossy! She's telling all her friends what to do …"

So, dear parents, you are not alone with your annoyance. And so, in the end, children teach us what unconditional love means: to love someone even though we sometimes can't stand them …