My child sucks his thumb: what to do?

Putting a finger in the mouth, usually the thumb, is a completely natural instinct that develops in children from an early age. So there is nothing to worry about if your little one is sucking his thumb, unless this habit lasts too long. After a certain age, it could cause certain problems in the child's physical development.

"Take your fingers out of your mouth!" " How many times have we heard parents throw this order to their brats? However, putting your fingers in your mouth and more particularly sucking your thumb is a natural and instinctive gesture that appears even before birth. On many ultrasound scans, you can see the fetus wearing the finger to the mouth. There is therefore no reason to prevent it. Quite the contrary: for the newborn, sucking the thumb or the whole fist is a pleasure and also a way to calm down.

However, as the child grows, the benefits of sucking diminish and sucking his thumb can have an impact on the development of the dental arches. If he does not lose this habit by himself (as it happens in most cases), then he should be encouraged to stop.

Why do children suck their thumbs?

This is the question that all parents ask themselves! Obviously, it is useless to ask the people concerned, because they would not know what to answer! But if we stick to the general opinion of the experts, the child who sucks his thumb would find comfort and
some appeasement. He would have this reflex in stressful situations, during anger or when he is very tired for example.

This would allow him to release the pressure, relax and feel protected. For him, it's a perfect remedy for fear and loneliness.

While thumb sucking can start in the womb, it usually only lasts for the first three months of life, rarely later. 80% of newborns are affected and this has nothing to do with hunger.

When should the child stop sucking his thumb?

Up to the age of three or four, sucking your thumb is an occasional pleasure that doesn't have to be interrupted. It is harmless behavior that often tends to go away on its own as soon as the child develops other mechanisms to calm down and not get bored. Or when he begins to bond "socially" with his little friends.

However, it may happen that this habit remains after the child has reached the age of four or five. According to some specialists, this could be explained by an early withdrawal or by problems related to stressful situations at home, as well as by emotional deficiencies.

At this age, however, it is necessary to intervene and encourage the child to stop sucking his thumb. In the long term, sucking can cause dental problems by changing the shape of the palate and creating an imbalance in the teeth. In addition, it can cause other inconveniences such as a possible infection of the nail of the sucked finger (due to microbes which take root in an area of ​​macerated and therefore defenseless skin). In addition, a child who sucks his thumb easily introduces air into the stomach, which causes abdominal bloating.

How do I stop him from sucking his thumb?

Rest assured, if your child continues to suck his thumb beyond the recommended age, there are many effective methods to end this habit! Just raise the subject with your cherub, adopting the right attitude and remembering that stopping such a reassuring and comforting activity can have psychological consequences for children. He can indeed experience it as a painful loss. Patience and perseverance will then be required, especially since it will be expected to relapse. Act gradually and choose the right moment: avoid trying to remedy it during an already complicated period for him.

Certain behaviors are to be avoided when you want to encourage your child to stop sucking his thumb. Do not be critical, do not make fun of him by telling him for example that he is "a big baby" by what he sucks his thumb and do not scold him if he can not stop immediately. It will have the opposite effect on your child. It is also not recommended to use "extreme" remedies like vinegar or bitter varnish.

During this transition, it is essential to help the child to have self-confidence. Offer him numerous activities and manual games promoting his autonomy and allowing him to develop his interest in the outside world. This may help him avoid resorting to the comforting gesture of sucking his thumb. Don't hesitate to explain to him that he is tall now, and that he no longer needs that, in order to boost his self-confidence.

Otherwise, you can present it to him as a game, a challenge for which he will win small prizes. This does not mean offering him a new toy or item of clothing, but for example, preparing his favorite food for him if he has not sucked his thumb for two days. Or take him to play in the park when it was not planned, etc. He may feel more motivated if you show him that you are proud of him!

Better suck the pacifier or thumb?

Before the birth of a child, this is a question that comes up often. In reality, the answer is very simple: it is better for the child to suck a pacifier. There are various reasons for this. Unlike thumb sucking, the pacifier has no effect on the dentition. It even promotes good development of the mouth. Indeed, while the finger exerts a very intense pressure on the teeth and the palate, the teat adapts perfectly to the mouth of the child, ensuring a correct distribution of the pressure of the tongue on the palate. In addition, the habit of the finger in the mouth is more difficult to remove: it can make the pacifier disappear, but not the thumb of the child.

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