My dear Scholli: origin and meaning

"My dear Scholli": examples

  • Dirk and Maike want to buy a new car. At the weekend they go to a used car dealer and look at the variety of models on offer. Maike had a favorite in pretty eye-catching colors from the start. Dirk, on the other hand, prefers a simple gray or black. When Maike discovers a pink car after a short time, she is completely beside herself and says: "It's great, we should take it." But Dirk only replies: "My dear Scholli, I can't let anyone show me that without laughing to become! ”In the end, they find a compromise and agree on a blue car.
  • Mark and Leni go to the stadium at the weekend to cheer on their favorite team. The season is going pretty well and there are still chances for promotion. In the second half, when the game is on a knife edge, the own team scores four times within 15 minutes. Mark and Leni can no longer get out of the cheering and jamming. "My dear Scholli, we can still tell our grandchildren about this game," thinks Mark.

"My dear Scholli": meaning

The phrase "my dear Scholli" is a colloquial remark that a certain amazement or a form of surprise expresses. This can be a reaction in both a positive and a negative sense.

In the Duden the phrase is used as Expression of astonishment or admonition declared

"My dear Scholli": origin

As with many idioms, the origin of "My dear Scholli" is not exactly clear. They mainly exist three potential stories.

The first theory is about the French adjective "joli", which means something like "beautiful" or "pretty". The phrase would then translate as much as: "Well, my pretty, you did something for that".

Theory number two relies on a real person with Scholli. Ferdinand Joly (1765-1823) was expelled from the University of Salzburg because he is said to have lived a vagabond life. He was very creative, wrote poems and songs. In 2003 he became a musical "Mei liaba Schole" honored.

In addition, there is a third theory after saying the person Julius August Isaak Jolly (1823-1891). As President of the Baden Interior Ministry, he made many unpopular decisions, so with the expression "My dear Jolly" Astonishment and warning was expressed.

Similar or related phrases:

  • Thunder weather!
  • All attention!
  • My dear swan!
  • My dear mister singing club!
  • My dear friend!

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