My French Bank, transfer times and land tax… The 5 money news of the week

What changes for your budget in January, end of Ma French Bank and beware of transfers… Here are the 5 pieces of information to remember this week.

What changes for your budget on January 1, 2024

Increase in the minimum wage of 1.13%, retirement pensions and the price of a packet of cigarettes, which will exceed 12 euros for certain brands… January also marks the end of the monthly usury rate for property loans. Find out everything that changes on January 1st.

La Banque Postale: My French Bank is almost over!

The La Banque Postale Group is studying a plan to cease the activities of Ma French Bank. Here is a press release that surprised everyone, Wednesday December 20. The cessation of activity project will extend over 1 year or 18 months. A finish that resembles the decision taken by the Orange group, deciding to close Orange Bank in 2023. In the meantime, nearly 700,000 customers risk having to find a plan B. Here are the options available to them.

Be careful with your Christmas transfers!

Do you want to send money to your loved ones for Christmas? Favor transfers, safer than cash or check, but don’t wait too long: Friday, it will be too late! The traditional SEPA transfer, however, has one constraint: it imposes a small processing time. It generally takes at least 24 hours between the time the money leaves your account and the time it arrives in the beneficiary’s account. Worse, this deadline can sometimes be extended. Here’s why.

Property tax: these French regions where it weighs down the income of owners

A study published by INSEE on December 18 shows the inequalities suffered by the French when paying their property tax. In some regions, it represents more than 3% of a household’s disposable income. INSEE thus notes that on average, in 2017, the 20% of the most modest owners devote more than 4% of their disposable income to property tax, and 1.6% for the wealthiest 1%. Find all the conclusions of this investigation here.

These new bank fees that await you in 2024

From January 1, 2024, individual customers of HSBC bank and their bank accounts will be managed by My Money Group, under the Crdit commercial de France (CCF) brand. New IBAN, new card, new identifier… But also new prices. Find out what’s changing for customers here.

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