My good beauty resolutions for 2020

After days of strutting in the sun, we could quickly let go. To regain a good dynamic at the start of the school year, we adopt a new beauty routine (in addition, it is good for morale). It's time to make some good resolutions, and stick to them (really) this time around.

Hydrate your body morning AND evening

We can already see you blowing. Yes, it is important to hydrate your body morning AND evening. This is the secret to beautiful (who likes crocodile skin?) And soft skin. As a bonus, this gesture – to be repeated twice a day – will allow you to keep your beautiful tan for longer! As with your face cream, be careful to choose your body treatment according to your skin type. “Normal” skin can turn to milk or gel textures. Drier skin should prefer creamier and more nourishing textures. We think in particular of La Crème des Peaux Sèches et Sensibles by Mixa, which will suit the whole family (even babies!). Enriched with 100% vegetable oils (shea, sweet almond and soy), we like this product for its texture that is both light and tender. Little more: its pleasant and iconic Mixa fragrance that comforts us.

– Our advice: The Cream for Dry and Sensitive Skin, Mixa

Not washing your hair every day

The more we wash our hair, the more the damaged hair fiber produces sebum and the faster the roots regain. To get out of this infernal spiral, you will understand, you have to space out the shampoos. Several solutions are available to us. We do a ponytail and shampoo dry at first. Between 2 showers, this is the miracle solution to last 1 day longer!

– Our tip: Dry refreshing coconut shampoo, Sephora Collection

To read: 29 hairstyles that save us when we have cracked hair

Stop going on a diet every 3 days

We cannot say it enough, diets are bad (unless you are followed by a dietitian). If you're just trying to lose those famous "3 extra pounds", the only solution is to eat a balanced diet. So let's drop the monodiet, chrononutrition and other somewhat shady trends, let's move on to fruits and vegetables!

Remove makeup every night … without exception!

Between pollution and makeup, at the end of the day, the skin suffers from the impurities that clutter it up. It is therefore essential to clean it using micellar water or a foaming gel. By carefully respecting the makeup removal + cleansing + hydration steps, in 2 weeks our complexion will be clearer and imperfections will diminish!

– Our advice: Créaline micellar water, Bioderma

Move your body!

Obviously, here we are dragging our feet. We don't want to get back in the saddle at all! Smell the sweat in a dusty gym, no thanks! How about trying a more fun sport for a change? Jump rope for example, or aqua Zumba? Come on, let's take off the sofa and put on our sneakers to stay in shape during this year!

Get a new skin every week

The scrub not only removes dead skin, but it improves the effectiveness of the masks and the absorption of the treatments. Clearly, it is a must have in your bathroom. We choose it according to our skin type and apply it once or twice a week (dry skin, once and oily skin, twice). Our face will regain radiance and luminosity in no time.

– Our tip: Rice scrub, NIVEA

Adopt the lemon reflex every morning

All the stars say it, for clear and flawless skin, lemon is an essential beauty ally. Combining it with hot water promotes the elimination of toxins and therefore purifies the complexion. When you get up, you swallow, on an empty stomach, half a squeezed lemon diluted in lukewarm water. It doesn't cost anything and it really works! So, we say thank you who?

Pamper your hair after every shampoo

Doing a deep treatment once a week is good, but it is not enough. For soft and silky lengths at the start of the school year, we adopt the detangling treatment or mask reflex (to alternate according to the needs of our hair) after each shampoo. Leave on for a few minutes, rinse, then dry or brushe at medium temperature. Tadaaam!

– Our tip: Repair Miracle Conditioner, Aussie

Go to bed earlier … to wake up as fresh as a rose

Certainly, creams and other treatments help to wear and keep as long as possible. But to be on top, it is important to get back to basics: LIFE HYGIENE. We can buy makeup that costs an arm, if we sleep 3 hours a night and smoke like a firefighter … damage to our skin! Sleeping serenely for at least 7 hours allows cells to regenerate in peace. So this year, we are resting to be the most beautiful!

Apply an eye contour

This is clearly the step we skip on a daily basis. We think about moisturizing our face, our lips … but it is just as necessary to pamper our eye area. Ultra-sensitive area of ​​our face, we give it special care to fight against dark circles! We choose a refreshing product so that this step becomes a real pleasure!

– Our advice: HYDRA LIFE frosted hydration eye treatment, Dior

To read also on aufeminin:
– 8 actions that boost your beauty routine
– 10 trendy sports to motivate you at the start of the school year
– 8 "home-made" masks for perfect skin

After reading this, you never use a hotel hair dryer again:

Video by Clara Poudevigne