Nagui jealous of Jean-Luc Reichmann? This proposal that stuck in his throat

Nagui was he jealous of Jean-Luc Reichmann? In the documentary dedicated to the host of “12 noon shots” broadcast Saturday July 2, 2022 on TF1, we discover that a proposal stuck in his throat at the time of “Don’t forget your brush teeth”.

Nagui and Jean-Luc Reichmann evolved side by side. In the 90s, both were indeed on the poster for “Don’t forget your toothbrush”, an entertainment program broadcast on France 2. “He had a quality that is essential for me on television: he had radio in his veins” confides the star of “Don’t forget the words” in the documentary “Jean-Luc Reichmann, an extraordinary destiny” broadcast Saturday evening on TF1. While Jean-Luc Reichmann was the voice in of the program, he lent himself to an exercise never before seen on the small screen. “Nagui was on stage, he was doing the show (…) and I was his first viewer. This complicity and complementarity came from there” added Jean-Luc Reichmann.

Only here, if Nagui and Jean-Luc Reichmann got along wonderfully, there is one thing that annoyed the host. “We rehearsed the show for hours and at times we could stop to set a sketch, a stunt, then we could resume. Are you ready Jean-Luc? Jean-Luc? I’m leaving the set to see if his motorcycle is there, it is no longer there (..) Everyone said to me: ‘He left to do a voice-over.’ In fact Jean-Luc was walking off during rehearsals and it was driving me totally crazy” confided Nagui. In addition, they were beginning to no longer be on the same wavelength. “There were jokes he made that didn’t make me laugh and others that I would go off on and he wouldn’t follow me. There was nothing violent or aggressive just a sense of ‘There’s like something is wrong’.” clarified Nagui. NAgu

Nagui jealous of Jean-Luc Reichmann? He answers

Note that at this same time, Jean-Luc Reichmann was then poached by Béatrice Esposito, then head of entertainment for France 2, who was looking for a new face to relaunch the chain’s lunchtime. “My reflex was to say: Jean-Luc host a show? Is it a joke? It wasn’t jealousy but when the channel started saying to me, ‘Do you think Jean-Luc could host such a show? I had a feeling of potentially losing a member of the team, so no It was without suspecting Jean-Luc’s appetite to do it. Nagui confessed. On February 20, 1995, he therefore joined the animation of the Z’amours.

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© Capture TF1

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The host received a proposal that remains in his throat

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It was in the 90s

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Don’t forget your toothbrush
When Jean-Luc Reichmann and Nagui worked together on “Don’t forget your toothbrush”

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Jean-Luc Reichmann
Jean-Luc Reichmann was poached

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Nagui did not understand…

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But he assured that it was not jealous

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Jean-Luc Reichmann
Jean-Luc Reichmann then arrived at the head of the Zamours

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Jean-Luc Reichmann
He had a very particular style

© Instagram

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Jean-Luc Reichmann and Nagui
The two animators remained on good terms

© Christopher Clovis

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Jean-Luc Reichmann
Jean-Luc Reichmann has become the star of “12 noon shots”


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Jean-Luc Reichmann
And is one of the favorite animators of the French

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