Nagui: the new maestro of "Don't forget the words" comes out to him! : Current Woman Le MAG

While France 2 is currently broadcasting the latest unreleased shows Do not forget the lyrics, Nagui looked irritated Thursday, April 2 by the words of Arsène, his new maestro. At the end of the program, the usually very kind host with his candidates first replied to his maestro: "I understand that you are watching a lot of the show because the valves you are making are valves that have already been made. " A little later, when Arsene thought long and hard about her title choice, Mélanie Page's husband asked her: "I bother you, maybe?", before continuing:"Are you sure you would not want to play politics?"A question that provoked public laughter and made the young apprentice singer smile.

Nagui gives a musical history lesson to his candidate

During the final round, Arsène opted for the title Isabelle I love you Poppys. When validating the two missing words, he asked for the initials to guide his response. When Nagui suggested to him "Sex education", the candidate replied that he was thinking of"And sexy", before confiding"No, but the Poppys are the 70s, they are children, they are not going to use the word sexy. They are small, they are babies the Poppys. "To which the host of France 2 replied:"They are not babies but adolescents, they were 14 years old."As the candidate began to contradict him, Nagui cut him short by confirming, visibly annoyed:"They were 14 years old, I was one of them, I know very well how old they were." Arsène did not win the final but signed his return for a fourth appearance on the show.

Read also : "Everyone wants to take their place" soon stopped? Nagui's explanations