Nagui, very moved, recounts the racist insults he was subjected to in the street

This Thursday, October 26, Nagui was invited to the set of Quotidien. The opportunity for him to return to the racist remarks of which he was the victim in the past.

Over the years, Nagui has become one of the French’s favorite presenters. In particular, he animates Do not forget the lyrics on France 2, or Taratata, which celebrates 30 years of broadcasting this year. On this occasion, an exceptional concert is planned bringing together more than 80 artists, including Ed Sheeran, Pascal Obispo, and Patrick Bruel. A show which will be broadcast on November 3. This Thursday, October 26, Nagui was thus invited on the set of Dailyin order to promote this event.

During this broadcast, the presenter spoke with emotion about his childhood. Because Nagui, born in Alexandria, only stayed in Egypt until his “three, four years”. “It was very electric and very dangerous, so dad decided with mom to leave Egypt and come to France”, he clarified. A confidence that moved the host. “I am moved because it is a situation that I thought was from another time and which, in fact, is repeated for different reasons, perhaps climatic, obviously political, obviously war, it’s very complicated to leave a country, to leave your roots”, he confided.

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Crunch”, “bicot” or “dirty Jew

Nagui continued by speaking about the racist insults he has suffered on numerous occasions in the past.I have been insulted many times. Sometimes racist insults in the street. I was called “ crumbles “, of ” bicot »”, he revealed. The host also indicated that he had even been treated “dirty Jew”. Remarks he heard from the mouth “people on the street”, but also by drunk people in parking lots”at three in the morning”, and even “by police or customs officers at the airport”. The offense [de faciès]it was obvious, he continued. When I came back from vacation from any destination, I told my friends: “Go ahead, because I’m going to be 15, 20 minutes late”, and systematically it was “Sir, stand there, open your suitcases”.” “Obviously the drugs, we put them in the blond friend’s suitcase and it went well”he continued with humor.

Following these confidences, Yann Barthès wanted to return to a significant event that his guest was confronted with a few years earlier. Does it bother you that an Arab hosts a daily show on our channel? » Was this question really asked? in an investigation commissioned by France Télé? he asked Nagui. After answering in the affirmative, he said: “They gave me the answer: ‘No, it doesn’t bother’. like it was a relief. It’s okay, we can go.” But for Nagui, it is annoying” of “bringing someone back only to their religion, their origins, their first name, their sexuality, their height, their weight, finally we understood that it was all from another time”. He then emphasized that all this “is very special to experience” and at the same time,it’s full of lessons. Which means it also builds character. And maybe that saves you from reproducing this kind of cookie-cutter diagram on the other side.”

Pauline has been writing for the Auféminin site for many months now. She enjoys deciphering current events as much as telling the latest stories about your favorite people. When she’s not looking…

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