Nail scissors: How to find the right one for your nail care

nail scissors
The best scissors for hands, feet and left-handers

© Monster Studio / Gala

With the help of nail scissors, you can easily shape your nails on your hands and feet from the comfort of your own home. GALA will tell you what the differences are and what to look out for.

Our nails need to be nurtured and cared for, otherwise they will grow ad infinitum and over time they will begin to curl on their own. That not only looks scruffy out, but also can dangerous become if you get stuck somewhere with them. Shortening is essential. This works best with nail scissors, but they are not that easy to find. Many models look chic, but don’t cut well And leave the nail torn and cracked. You should also make sure that the scissors you are using are really suitable for the nails you are working on. Because not every nail scissors can shorten every nail, since toenails, for example, a lot more resilient are than those of our fingers. So how do I find the perfect nail scissors for my needs? We have the answer.

Why, why, why, are the nail scissors crooked?

Anyone who has seen nail scissors knows that they are curved. There is also a very simple reason for this: Because of their rounded shape, cutting our nails is far lighterthan with straight scissors. After all, our fingertips are also rounded. If we now cut our nails with conventional scissors, preferably when they are hard and dry, then we risk that they break or even tear down. An effect that you would certainly like to do without. As such, the scissors are slightly curved to accommodate the natural shape of our fingertips, giving us the to make work easier.

Nail scissors for fingernails

Since our fingernails a lot filigree and are therefore also easier to shape, we do not need crushers for them, as is the case with some toenails. Instead, we’re going to use one here good, ordinary Scissors for fingernails return. Fingernail scissors sometimes come in colorful designs, here you can of course choose for yourself – anything is allowed between the entire color palette including wild animal prints, the main thing is that the scissor blades are sharp enough.

Of course, it can also be quite simple, because if you are in a good kit Invest you can in proper care of the utensils benefit from it for several decades. In addition, something like this can always be given as a gift, because good sets of nail scissors are not exactly cheap, but they are definitely worth it.

Nail scissors for toenails

In contrast to the elegant fingernails, the toenails need a little more effort if the wrong scissors are used. So that this doesn’t happen, they should Scissor blades as wide as possible be and of course also sharp. generally have Nail scissors for toenails a curved shape not only when viewed from the side, but also when viewed from the front.

The best left-handed nail scissors

Not all nail scissors are the same, because what works best for right-handers works for left handed not usable. So there is extra for such cases Scissors that are (only) intended for left-handers.

A pair of scissors for on the go

Many nail scissors are now available in sets, where you get one for the cuticles in addition to the scissors, plus a nail file, tweezers and a cuticle pusher. All of this is usually not needed when travelling, but small nail scissors are always helpful. Luckily there is one for that too small cases with just a pair of scissors, which fits perfectly in the toiletry bag. Only the question remains: Can nail scissors be taken on a plane? Generally yes, under certain conditions even in hand luggage. If you are checking your luggage, it is not a problem to take nail scissors with you as you will not have access to them during the flight and you may attack someone with them. However, sharp objects are only permitted under certain conditions. So may the tip of the scissors no longer than six centimeters be, which is never the case with ordinary nail scissors. However, it could still happen that the nail scissors are taken from you during the security check. In this case, you can also use alternatives.

What are my alternatives?

If you don’t like cutting, you might prefer to snap. Then nail clippers are now the same popular among manicure fans and are even used by the majority of professionals in beauty salons. Besides, they are harmless and will not be considered a weapon at airport security because the blades blunt are.

Another alternative is Nail filing. You have a choice of one glass nail fileone made of ceramic or one with sand sheet surface. With the latter, there are also no concerns about traveling by plane, since the rounded ends cannot pose any danger. This is different with glass or mineral nail files, since the length of six centimeters must not be exceeded here either. However, since nail files are usually longer and also have a sharp point, it could be difficult to take them in hand luggage. A nail file is definitely a good alternative to scissors for use at homeas glass nail files in particular are gentler on the nail and won’t split it if you file in one direction.

How do you use nail scissors?

The use of nail scissors is self-explanatory – but the following should be observed:

  • Nails are best shaped after getting out of the shower or after a nail bath. Then the nails are beautiful soft and don’t break easily.
  • Place the nail scissors on the side of the nail that faces towards the body and cut your nail along the nail tip.
  • The longer the nails, the slower you should cut to avoid tearing.
  • Finish theNail care with a file. File in one direction to virtually close the nail.
  • Last you can have one more nail oil use it to supply the nail with important nutrients so that it becomes stronger and remains elastic.

How do I deal with an ingrown nail?

Ingrown nails should always treated by a professional become. Look for one, usually just going to a manicure and pedicure studio is enough. However, you can also consult a doctor.

The right nail scissors for babies

Nail scissors for babies are not very different from those for adults, except that they have one rounded tip and narrower cutting blades have. Thus the less risk of injurywhen a baby’s nails need clipping. Which, by the way, is just as important to them as it is to us adults, if not more so. If injuries occur because they touch their own skin with their nails that are too long, they can inflammation develop. Also, pay attention nickel free materialto prevent possible skin irritation.

Why you should disinfect the nail scissors

A surprising amount can collect under our nails that we don’t expect at all. So that these bacteria and viruses do not stick to our fingertips every time, it is worth disinfecting with a conventional agent. You can simply put the liquid on a cloth and rub it into the cutting blades. This is especially useful if you have nail fungus!

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