Narcissistic partner: In 3 steps he casts a spell over you

Toxic relationship
In these three steps, narcissists will cast a spell on you

Narcissists often hold their partner on their hands at the beginning of a relationship, but the romance is quickly over.


Living with or being in a relationship with a narcissist can be torturous. They often use the same pattern to seduce others.

In the beginning everything seemed so perfect: You met someone and you immediately liked each other. He brought you the stars from the sky and a short time later you became a couple. But the narcissist quickly shows his dark side.

Narcissism in a partnership

Narcissistic traits are in all of us, but hurting your partner through selfishness is far from a healthy relationship. Selfishness and arrogance can quickly make a relationship toxic and even traumatizing. In the video you can find out which behaviors you use to recognize narcissists and how they behave in a relationship.

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