Narrow attic – snake hunt in protective suit in a residential building in Linz

Because construction workers had seen a black snake as thick as an arm in an apartment building in Linz, Tierhilfe Gusental had to move out together with ICARA animal rescue. With a full body suit and under filter masks, two helpers searched the narrow attic – but they did not find anything …

This mission was tough! Because the attic in the apartment building in the Kleinmünchen district of Linz was only about 50 centimeters high at the highest point, was completely lined with rock wool and had several openings to the facade, the search for the snake turned out to be extremely difficult.

Search was unsuccessful
Two of the helpers crawled through the attic in full protective gear. Construction workers had recently wanted to see a black reptile as thick as an arm in a space. Since there is already a history of queues in the house and residents and construction workers felt uncomfortable and no longer wanted to go near the opening, the property management asked for help. But the animal rescuers found nothing – there were also no traces such as excrement, hides or leftover food to be seen. The mission had to be stopped without any reptiles being found. “We are now in contact with the property management in case there is another sighting,” said Tierhilfe Gusental.

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