Natalie Portman in Mighty Thor: 5 details to remember from the Love & Thunder trailer

Thor: Love and Thunder will hit theaters in July 2022. The first trailer has just been released. We see Natalie Portman (Jade Foster) become mighty thor.

The most anticipated Marvel movie of the moment is Doctor Strange 2but soon after, in July 2022, another major feature will hit theaters: Thor: Love & Thunderthe sequel to the highly acclaimed Ragnarok. The very first trailer has just been released by Marvel: here are the main elements it reveals about the characters.

Natalie Portman with Thor’s Hammer

This is “the” highlight of the trailer, because the return is highly anticipated: Natalie Portman returns to her role of Jane Foster, for the first time in the MCU since The Dark World (2013). Except that it is not exactly the Jane Foster that we know, she has evolved: at the end of the trailer, she is dressed as a superheroine and grabs Thor’s hammer (mjolnir). In Love & Thundershe will become a version of Thor called Mighty Thor.

What relationship she might have with Chris Hemsworth’s Thor remains a mystery, but the title featuring the word love, love will likely be there one way or another.

Natalie Portman’s first appearance as Mighty Thor. // Source: Marvel

Zeus is in the MCU, and it’s Russell Crowe

Mythologies have their place in the MCU. Thor is himself a Norse god (and Moon Knight draws from ancient Egypt). In Love & Thunder, Russell Crowe will interpret the supreme god of Greek mythology: Zeus. In the trailer, we see him from behind, surely in Olympus, and we even get a glimpse of his power when he projects lightning.

Natalie Portman in Mighty Thor: 5 details to remember from the Love &  Thunder
Russel Crowe’s Zeus in Love & Thunder. // Source: Marvel

Guardians of the Galaxy are here

In several sequences of the trailer, we see Star Lord and the other guardians of the galaxy. They’re going to team up again, though the trailer doesn’t make it clear whether they’ll just be cameo appearances, or heavy co-op in the film. But this presence is logical: the last time we saw Thor, he was in the ship of the guardians – vaguely in competition, moreover, with Star Lord.

Natalie Portman in Mighty Thor: 5 details to remember from the Love &  Thunder
Chris Pratt in Love & Thunder // Source: Marvel

Return of Valkyrie (a little jaded)

We loved the character of Valkyrie in Ragnarokand this one will hopefully be back in Love & Thunder. Except that between the two, remember, there was avengers endgame. And in this film, she became the leader of Asgard. It is therefore in this role that we find her in the trailer – seated around a table with other leaders (probably those of Earth in large part). She doesn’t look particularly happy with her position, since she seems to be falling asleep.

Natalie Portman in Mighty Thor: 5 details to remember from the Love &  Thunder
Tessa Thompson in Love & Thunder // Source: Marvel

Thor’s New Suit

If the trailer shows us Chris Hemsworth’s Thor in the state in which we found him after Endgame, he also offers a glimpse of his brand new costume. This one is much more colorful than the previous one, featuring red, blue and gold, all very vivid.

Natalie Portman in Mighty Thor: 5 details to remember from the Love &  Thunder
Thor’s new costume // Source: Marvel

In the trailer, we also see other variations, such as a more rock n roll costume (surely from his time aboard the Guardians of the Galaxy ship), and a more Nordic version with a beast skin cape.

For further

Doctor Strange in Spider-Man No Way Home.  // Source: Marvel

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