Nathalie Baye speaks after the publication of the column, “the press of m***”

Following the publication of a column in the press, Nathalie Baye reacted strongly and criticized “the m*** press”, while 56 artists condemned a “lynching” against Gérard Depardieu, as reported by BFMTV.

In the Depardieu affair, an intense debate emerged in the French cultural world. Gérard Depardieu, emblematic figure of French cinema, has been at the heart of a scandal since he was indicted for rape in 2020. The situation took a media turn following the broadcast of a program on France 2. “Additional investigation” recently highlighted previously unseen videos of Gérard Depardieu, revealing inappropriate and sexually suggestive behavior in the presence of women. These recordings, previously unbroadcast, reveal a dark side of the actor, particularly in his interactions with the opposite sex.

The importance of these images was accentuated by the accusations against Depardieu. On December 16, 2020, he was charged with rape and sexual assault, following a complaint from Charlotte Arnould, a young actress. Since then, around fifteen other women have also made similar accusations against him. The investigation extended into the French cinema sector, renowned for its closed nature. Although on-camera testimony is rare, anonymous sources indicate that Depardieu’s behavior was an open secret, protected by his influence in the industry.

Currently, Gérard Depardieu remains discreet, divided between his Parisian residence and stays abroad, far from the media and the justice system. This episode of “Complément d’investigation” shed a new light on the once venerated figure of Depardieu, now faced with justice and the constant attention of the paparazzi.

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The platform of support and defense of art

Around sixty personalities from the world of culture, including renowned actors, directors and singers, published an article in Le Figaro, calling not to take the place of justice and to allow Depardieu to continue playing. This group, made up of figures such as Bertrand Blier, Nathalie Baye, Carole Bouquet, Charlotte Rampling, Jacques Weber, Pierre Richard, Gérard Darmon, Roberto Alagna, Carla Bruni, Arielle Dombasle, and Jacques Dutronc, expressed their concern about “lynching ” media suffered by Gérard Depardieu. They argue that attacking Depardieu amounts to attacking art, emphasizing his contribution to the artistic influence of France and the indelible impact of his work.

However, this position provoked mixed reactions. On the one hand, there is recognition of Depardieu’s artistic contribution, while on the other, voices are raised to criticize this defense. Emmanuelle Dancourt, president of #MeTooMedias, expressed sadness and disbelief at the op-ed, but acknowledged that it is natural to have doubts when accusations are made against a well-known person. The Dare Feminism! also criticized Depardieu’s defense, highlighting problematic behavior and comments made by the actor.

Current journalist

A fashionista at heart, Dora has always dreamed of writing for fashion. After having accomplished her dream and much more, she redirects herself towards current affairs, whether celebrity,…

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