Nathalie Vincent: discover her new life in the south of France, far from the cameras

In its latest issue, on newsstands since Monday, TV-Leisure was interested in several former PAF figures who have chosen to reorient themselves in sectors of activity very different from television. Among them: Nathalie Vincent, whose viewers have remembered the legendary smile.

Some former PAF figures have chosen to reorient themselves in very different sectors of the small screen. In its latest issue, on newsstands since Monday, TV-Leisure gave the floor to five of these “retrained” … who do not regret their professional turn. Among them: Nathalie Vincent, who for many years delighted viewers of M6, TF1 and Direct 8. She confides in her new life.

Télé-Loisirs: you stopped watching television at the start of the 2010s. How did the transition take place with your new life?

Nathalie Vincent : As always in life: by a combination of circumstances! Before doing television, I had studied psychology when I was a student in Lille. I then wanted to allow all employees to be happy in a company. More than twenty years ago, it was not really a current topic … I was then able to realize my artistic dreams by a happy coincidence: I became a chorus-singer and a dancer, then I was spotted by M6 Lille. Things then moved quickly after the casting of M6 Kids, for which I was selected. I have been very happy during all these TV years. I was very lucky to present all these shows for almost twenty years non-stop, between 1996 and 2012. But then fate made me change my path.

That is to say ?

After a romantic breakup in 2008, fate made me rediscover the love of my youth. He lived in the south of France, in the Hautes-Alpes. We had a child in 2010 and I made the choice to move. For two years, I continued to watch television and went back and forth to Paris, where I hosted a wellness show for Direct 8. But it was complicated and then I stopped television. I felt I wanted to focus on my family life and, professionally, I wanted other things, with more authenticity.

You then decided to orient yourself towards a personal development coach activity …

I had resumed my studies, with a master’s degree in neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) coaching. I discovered a great tool called the Enneagram. It is a very old tool that allows us to become aware of our defense mechanisms made in childhood which tend to restrict our potential. I trained at the Center d’Etudes de l’Ennégramme, founded by Eric Salmon. My engine has always been learning. I created my company called NV & Co. It offers three types of services.

A company with three complementary activities

Can you present them to us?

The first activity is probably the most related to the field of TV animation. I present events. I love being in contact with the public, whether on a stage, in a sporting or cultural venue, or on YouTube. I work in particular for the Trek They are walking, which is an orientation trek by 100% female team created in 2016 by the association le Heart Challenge. I make small video subjects where I show behind the scenes. My second activity consists of working as a trainer in companies. I work around themes such as leadership, public speaking, dialogue … At the moment, I am called upon a lot to re-motivate the troops after the period we have just gone through. Finally, I do individual coaching. It could be for example for people who come to see me in order to learn how to express themselves better in public. All of these activities appeal to me enormously.

Do you have any other professional wishes today?

Since January, I have made another dream come true by training to become a kinesiologist. Kinesiology is a technique that relies on the body and muscles to identify any blockages that we may have. It’s amazing and very powerful. We start with a body test that provides us with answers. We then look at what emotions will cause this stress. The training lasts two years and you can then work in a private practice. When I’m old, I’ll be a kinesiologist and a bonesetter (laughs)!

What do you remember from all your TV years?

It has been a wonderful gift of life. I lived at 100 miles an hour as I set out to explore my dreams. But I have no nostalgia, no regrets. Today, I realize myself differently, in particular by being much more connected to nature.

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