Natural antifungal: can we really get rid of mycosis naturally? : Current Woman Le MAG

As the French Society of Dermatology specifies, “the symptoms are different depending on the part of the body affected, and depending on the various kinds of microscopic fungi involved” in the case of mycosis. However, certain signs are generally recurring, such as burning sensations and itching. To help get rid of the inconveniences linked to mycoses, there are several natural solutions to apply in parallel with the treatments recommended by health professionals.

1. What to do in case of mycosis?

In the event of a mycosis, it is strongly recommended to consult a health professional for an accurate diagnosis and the most appropriate treatment. Using an inappropriate antifungal medication may cause symptoms to worsen. Several types of mycoses require specific medical treatments. If the symptoms are mild, you can first seek advice from your pharmacist. This may recommend medical treatment without a prescription and/or the application of a natural antifungal, or refer the patient to a doctor if necessary.

2. Natural antifungals, a complementary solution

Tea tree essential oil is recognized for its antibacterial and antifungal properties in cases of skin mycosis. It also has anti-inflammatory and healing properties, which help relieve mycosis symptoms quickly. This is also the case for apple cider vinegar, which is often recommended in cases of mycosis, particularly for mycosis affecting the feet. The acidity of this vinegar can actually create an inhospitable environment for fungi that cause yeast infections, while the antibacterial, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties can help the skin heal. However, scientific evidence for the effectiveness of these natural antifungals is limited, which is why it is recommended to use them with caution and consult a healthcare professional in all cases.

3. Good habits to get rid of fungal infections

It is also possible to implement some lifestyle habits to reduce the risk of developing a yeast infection. The Public Health Information Service gives the following recommendations to prevent yeast infections :

  • Favor cotton underwear and avoid synthetic or too tight clothing.
  • Thoroughly dry all folds of the body after a shower, including between the toes.
  • For women, avoid douching and use a soap with an alkaline pH for intimate cleansing.
  • Pay attention to your oral hygiene, but avoid using antiseptic mouthwashes too often, as this can unbalance the oral flora.
  • Only take antibiotics as prescribed by your doctor, as these treatments promote mycoses.
  • Rinse your mouth if taking an inhaled corticosteroid.


  • Mycosis (candidiasis), Public Health Information Service, March 22, 2022
  • Skin fungal infections, Dr Elizabeth Lorier-Roy, French Society of Dermatology, December 2, 2019

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