Need an excuse to spend the day playing that new video game? Its developers are offering you an apology letter!


Game news Need an excuse to spend the day playing that new video game? Its developers are offering you an apology letter!

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We tend to forget it, but this strategy game rated 83/100 on Metacritic has just been released. Its developers offer us an apology letter to play it without worrying about the rest.

God, that’s good!

It has just arrived on PC and Xbox, it is available in the Game Pass, and it is collecting good ratings on Metacritic and Steam. Age of Mythology: Retold, developed by World’s Edge, invites the player to participate in battles that go beyond historical events. The Atlanteans, the Norse, the Greeks, and the Egyptians summon monsters and gods to destroy their enemies. Centaurs, mummies, dragons, trolls and other cyclops wander between destructive earthquakes, torrential rains and brutal storms. Every little help is useful to help the clever strategists win!

Based on Steam reviews and the Metacritic average (83/100), Age of Mythology: Retold has good arguments to interest, even today, many players who may have known (or not) the original software released in 2002. If you want to give it a chance without spending the thirty euros it asks for, know that it is playable now in the Game Pass, whether on PC or Xbox Series.

The Letter

With its campaign divided into around fifty missions that take you to visit the country, such as the burning sands of Egypt, the frozen lands of Midgard or even the city of Troy, Age of Mythology: Retold can take a little time to tame. In order to get people talking about the game and amuse the audience, the official account of the title has published an apology letter written by Athena that the player can try to give to their boss in order to explain the reasons for their absence caused by their immersion in the game.. It is to be read (and printed) below. Good luck!

To Whom It May Concern: I apologize to (insert your name here), who has been treated for symptoms of an ancient disease known as Mythitis. In the meantime, my patient must recover by joining Arkantos in the ongoing conflict against Gargarensis. My patient must follow the prescribed treatment plan, as this will facilitate the healing process and a speedy victory. Should you require further information regarding my patient’s condition and his journey to determine the fate of the world, please send me a message through Hermes. I thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, Athena.


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