negotiations on minimum wages are slipping

All the trade unions representing the banking sector on Tuesday denounced the refusal of the French Association of Banks (AFB) to revalue the minima of the branch, currently under the minimum wage, to 5% above the minimum wage.

According to these unions, this measure would only cost 144000 euros per year for the entire sector, these lower scale classifications being hardly used any more.

A drop of water

They only concern 306 salariesaccording to the intersyndicale composed of the SNB, the CFDT, the CGT, FO and the CFTC, i.e. a drop of water among the 186800 salaries claimed by the AFB on its website.

The AFB proposed to upgrade these minima so that they are located 2% above the minimum wage.

Given the current economic context, given the government’s demands on companies and branches, at some point we have to be realistic, it is not possible that in our sector, which nevertheless makes billions in profits, we cannot move forward on on this subject, denounced to AFP Mireille Herriberry, secretary of FO Banques Financial Societies, the fifth union representing the sector. According to the intersyndicale, the companies in the branch have in fact garnered more than 20 billion euros in 2021.

A new negotiation meeting is due to take place on Thursday.

Contacted by AFP, the AFB did not respond.

At the end of June, the federation of insurers had concluded three agreements with CFE-CGC and Unsa on remuneration, granting increases ranging from +1.8% up +5% for categories below the minimum wage.

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